January 31st 2018 FULL MOON LETTER

Published: Tue, 01/30/18

31st January 2018

Dear Fellow Star-Gazers

Happy Full, Super and ‘Blue’ Moon (though in reality the colour will be more orange) and lunar eclipse in Leo! (Actually it isn’t a blue moon in that it’s in a different sign to the one at the start of January).

This second Full Moon of the month is special however: starting with the fact that the Moon doesn’t keep regular distance from Earth and on this occasion will be perigee (closest to us). Then note that the Moon will be eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow.

The last time a similar lunation occurred was in 1866: a year of considerable natural disaster including volcanic activity and earthquake (yes, these happen every year but these were extreme events leading to great loss of life) in Greece and Turkey. The lunar eclipse won’t be visible across this geography this time where it is best seen across North America.
It is recognised that the position of the Moon has effect on earth movement and weather patterns and yes, between this Full Moon and the solar eclipse on February 15th, with the geo-magnetic field affected, Mother Nature could yet command renewed respect - perhpas spectacularly so on Feb 12th.

No less important though will surely be the effect on each of us – and perhaps especially those born under Cancer (who are so sensitive to lunar cycles) and those born under either Leo or Aquarius or whose charts have these signs prominently placed (includes President Trump).

Eclipses mark both endings and beginnings: in this instance similar to the cliff-hanger sentence at the end of a chapter that leaves you holding your breath for what comes next.


Actually, I think that the breath-holding has already begun. Many feel that markets are now too high and that a crash or correction is inevitable. Over-reaction, resulting in a marked downturn is possible this week – though recovery is probable from next Monday. There are certainly clusters of planetary activity in the next few weeks indicating a change in vibration that may be enough to result in the trading mood turning negative. My greater concern than this Full Moon is for the period around the First Quarter Moon (February 23rd) following the Solar Eclipse. With the accent then on Mutable signs, many may not know which way to turn - leading to the kind of market mayhem that would bring correction. This though will likely be followed by another upward push - a trend that should last until September.


How many do you think are in existence? The number seems to grow by the day – now well over 1400. I can’t possibly follow the charts for all of these but am now committed to writing a report on their collective astrology to include long-term forecast on their viability. Given the similarity between conditions at the end of the 13th Century (when many new currencies were spawned) and the awesome planetary configuration of 2020, I doubt that cryptos are going to go away anytime soon. The art will, of course, be to find those which are safe and which offer good return and usability. For the astrologers reading this, you might like to consider where the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0 Aquarius falls in your chart and whether it will be well positioned there.

You may know that there was a major raid on a crypto currency  last weekend. Researching similar events, it seems that there is a planetary code at work here. This is something I will be following in the next few weeks prior to producing my report for clients.

Suffice it to say that I don’t see the bubble bursting in this area between now and the next Full Moon.  I don’t expect Bitcoin to regain its December highs: more likely the price will continue to move down.

Very interesting indeed that Palladium is approaching another high. Those of you who were on my financial astrology course will recognise the resonance between the present and previous highs. I am expecting prices to climb into the solar eclipse on Feb 15th.


Aside from asking about cryptos, a fair number of clients have been asking about the real estate market (not altogether unsurprising close to a lunar eclipse). There is considerable concern as to whether prices have peaked. The answer is complex. Certainly there is evidence of ‘plateauing’ and, in some capital cities, of prices falling. By the end of 2018, we might all agree that in the main, prices are falling.

There are, however, always exceptions to any rule and full consideration must be given to a person’s chart. It is always possible to attract or sell the right property at the right price.
As a generalisation, I expect that we will see discounted prices in the sale of high end prices whilst older family homes hold value.

If you are looking to either buy or sell, note that many people make decisions between eclipses (Jan 31st and February 15th). I anticipate the housing market to be more active from the Solar Eclipse on February 15th and for this to show in the number of properties available as of the next Full Moon on March 2nd.

It is barely believable that it is only 2 weeks since I returned from speaking for the South Florida Astrological Association: always a highlight in my year and this time no exception. We had a fabulous turnout and a new-style workshop went well. I will be doing something similar here in Oxford, UK in April and then offering a longer course at the Faculty of Astrological Summer School again in Oxford in August. Before that there is the United Astrology Congress in Chicago in May, the Astrological Association’s 60th anniversary in June and trips to Montreal and Toronto in July. Much to look forward to.

My happy Florida visit aside, the sad theme from 2017 continued with the passing of our daughter in law this last Sunday. Anna loved all things astrological – these letters included. I hope now that pain-free, she is enjoying the music of the spheres from her new perspective.

Wishing you all good health,

Yours from the stars


The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology (February 2017) is now available through Amazon as is ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’ (October 2016)

Events: all information on the website www.financialuniverse.co.uk

OXFORD, UK: April 2018

CHICAGO: UAC conference May 2018 www.uacastrology.com

READING, UK: The Astrological Association's 60th celebrations


OXFORD, UK: Faculty of Astrological Studies, August 2018

DUBLIN:: November 2018
