Published: Tue, 12/13/16

December 14th 2016
Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,

Happy Full Moon!

The shock may have worn off for many of us but perhaps not for the President Elect.  This Full Moon hits his chart directly – exactly opposing the one under which he was born. He was born at a Full Moon and his Moon is in Sagittarius. We could draw the conclusion that he enjoys pontificating. But what if events leave him speechless?  With Saturn so close to the position of the Moon in his natal chart, the enormity of his new role, his probable reluctance to move into the White House and the general restraints that go with his new job may be draining him on many levels. It is possible too that events on the International stage and over which he has no control -  but on which he will be asked to deliver opinion - will leave him reeling and, probably unusually for him, totally indebted to those who do know what to say and do. A humbling moment perhaps.

Meanwhile the markets generally continue on their upward spiral. Some might put this down to the Trump effect. From the astrological perspective, it is more likely linked to the pending Saturn-Uranus trine that’s exact on Christmas Day. That would also be entirely in keeping with end-of-year-itis. Traders like the year to end positively. According to one widely noted astrological cycle, markets could continue their upward trend for some months yet.

And yet: a formidable planetary picture involving Jupiter-Uranus and Pluto, with contributions from Mercury at the end of January and Mars mid-February is indicative of high stakes, fissures and, within a matter of days, potentially a global financial crisis. It’s noteworthy that Venus too has a role to play as that planet will be retrograde from early March. If the past is any guide to the future, then rough financial seas lie ahead. Banking stocks in particular – and the bond market – may be particularly vulnerable.

Turmoil in Europe will surely continue in 2017. A review of the chart for the Euro suggests February through May will prove exceedingly difficult for that currency. This makes sense in view of developments in the political arena. It is worrisome that the election in France coincides with Saturn’s alignment with the Galactic centre and with Pluto’s position in a directed chart for the Euro. Against the USD, the Euro could yet reach fresh lows.

Yet it’s never ALL bad news. Gains can still be made. The art will surely be not to play for super-high stakes but to take profits early. For me, that means before the next Full Moon on January 12th.

It’s perhaps also worth focusing on specific companies rather than indices. Of course it’s a statement of the obvious that if attention is given to investing in public services then companies working in those areas should see growth. Given the opposition of Jupiter to Uranus and the probability of fast developments in robotics especially, this should also be an area to research.

History suggests that when indices rise, then the price of precious metals falls and yes, there may be a low in these markets in the coming weeks. That low may not hold for long – with moves likely as Venus stations in early March and further advances from mid-October.

More on all this in the next webinar. Family events having got in the way, the plan is to give the 2017 Forecasts webinar on Saturday December 31st at 16.00 GMT. This will last about an hour and be recorded. Cost is GBP36 inc VAT or USD40. Both can be paid through PayPal. Please reply to this letter and I will send the appropriate invoice and link to the live event or recording as you wish.

I will be taking part in an Economic Forecasting panel at the NCGR conference in Baltimore (February 16th-19th where I am also giving an afternoon workshop for Beginner’s to Financial Astrology.  I can also tell you that the book: the Beginner’s Guide to the Financial Universe is at typesetting stage. Hopefully it will be out in time for the conference.

Undertaking two books in one year stretched me in ways in which only Jupiter in Libra could have allowed!! It seems that I am not finished yet though. The chapter headings for the next book are already on my desk.

Without doubt my best investments in 2016 have been the growing friendships with so many people who, like me, are fascinated by the possibility of a link between the stars, the planets and life on Earth. From Florida and the Bahamas at the start of the year, to Europe and Canada in the middle and California and Cyprus in this last quarter, together with my many new connections in Mexico, my world has expanded.

It is a delight to know you all and to have correspondence with you.

With the wish that you enjoy peace, contentment, and  good health in 2017

Yours from the stars,


PS  "Exploring the Financial Universe" is now available through Amazon

Dublin event January 19th - 21st :

www. February 2017

Toronto: July 2017

Florida: 2017 to be announced (likely late November/early December)

Unites Astrology Congress: Chicago May 2018
