Published: Mon, 04/10/17

11th April  2017

Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,

Happy Full Moon (maybe?)

Well, this is the Full Moon long-awaited with trepidation. As you know, at Full Moon the Sun and Moon oppose one another. This time, Jupiter is on the Moon’s side and Uranus is with the Sun.

Imagine a tug of war with a gi-normous army (Moon+Jupiter) on one side and a robot of unknown-capability (Sun+Uranus) on the other. Then there’s Pluto – approximately at the mid-point and acting as referee.

This is an awesome and potentially unstable configuration - even without man’s intervention (threats and acts of war), pressure on the Earth’s crust could be considerable.
Though nothing can condone recent terrorist actions, it is entirely in keeping with both this Full Moon and the still-resonating February eclipse, that madness – at so many levels - is at work.

Going back a couple of months to the February solar eclipse: when set for London, Jupiter and Uranus (actually conjunct Mars too) were exactly on the Midheaven/IC axis.: arguably indicating the terror attack at the Houses of Parliament – and still resonating.

This chart shows all the tensions of Brexit, the potential break of the United Kingdom, and, perhaps, developments at Head of State level. The chart of the earlier Scottish referendum indicated clearly the likelihood of another vote before the end of the decade.

As might be expected, the chart for the Brexit vote links neatly to the delivery of the Article 50 letter and to the chart in March 2019 after which date the UK will no longer be a member of the Union.

Before the end of 2017,  Saturn crosses the Galactic Centre and moves into Capricorn: just as it did when the Berlin Wall came down and there were sweeping political changes throughout Germany and the USSR. Many will recall the speed of those changes – which might well be replicated in the coming months.

But what of now? Present planetary configurations affect us all. You too may be experiencing an urgency to make decisions. Can you wait? Though this T-square configuration hangs in the sky for some months, with both Mercury and Venus retrograde this week, now is perhaps not the time to arrive at conclusions. It might be wiser to wait – if possible until late May.

Solar activity should also be taken into account. In recent days, and after a long ‘quiet’ period, a massive sunspot measuring over 150,000 km has appeared. From this there were M-x class explosions earlier this month – and yes, just as we learnt of the chemical attack in Syria.

Whether it’s the alignment of the planets, solar activity, Venus’ return to Pisces, Jupiter’s aspect to Neptune or Chiron or whatever, fact is that there is extra-ordinary activity in the cosmos the impact of which could result in panic buttons being pressed. Waiting until this cosmic storm passes might be a wise course of action.


Though markets have surged during the first quarter of the year, and even as Saturn approached the GC and Pluto made passage over the critical 19th degree of Capricorn with no noticeable effect, I am still wary. it should be remembered that these are slow, slow transits and that they are not over until the end of the year. Whilst surprised that we haven’t seen even quickly recovered drama, it’s not over until it’s over. The period April 18th to 22nd could yet prove volatile – though yes, there is likely to be recovery with the very black clouds not appearing until 4th Quarter.

For now, Saturn’s trine to Uranus and the lunar Node may be the key factor in trader’s optimism and subsequent high prices. This triangle is fully gone by December 21st – though it’s from the September Full Moon that negativity should take hold.


It would be wholly understandable if there were to be a temporary lift in these prices this week – especially if, as seems likely, that there is a downward turn this week (10th-14th). Recovery is probable thereafter and through to the next Full Moon (May 10th) at least.


The next solar eclipse on August 21st will be the first total eclipse to be seen across North America since 1642. It will be almost four centuries before there is another covering the area so exactly.

As has been mentioned before, this eclipse accents the position of Mars in President Trump’s chart and may be indicative of him having a major fight on his hands – possibly health related. Another feature of this chart is that Mercury will be at the exact degree of the recent February eclipse. This linking of the two eclipses of 2017 suggests this will be year of huge historical significance. As Neptune was configured with the February eclipse, it would be wrong to discount the possibility of great loss. With the Aries ingress chart featuring a Moon-Saturn conjunction at the Galactic Centre, it may be that a high profile (female) head of state will be much in the news – likely after the next solar eclipse.


The great British astrologer Dennis Elwell, author of the ‘Cosmic Loom’ was a brilliant forecaster making use of the often neglected Draconic Zodiac.

With ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’ and ‘The Beginner’s Guide to the Financial Universe’ now off my desk, I am busily preparing an E-Book on the Draconic Chart to accompany a webinar on the same topic that is part of an ‘Eclipse’ series of webinars that will be launched next month. If you can’t wait for news of that, please email me directly.


Many of you will know that there is an awesome planetary alignment in 2020. Downsizing and restructuring will no doubt be keywords for that period. To that end, and bearing in mind that many clients are now preparing for their retirement, I am now focused on trends for that period. If there’s anything particular you think I should focus on, please let me know.

For now,

Hoping that you and yours stay safe through this tricky Full Moon period,

Yours from the stars



The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology (February 2017) is now available through Amazon as is ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’ (October 2016)


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