Published: Fri, 06/09/17

9th June  2017
Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,

Happy Rose, Flower or Strawberry-named June Full Moon!

In my last letter I stated that I thought the Close of Polls chart for the UK election was a confusing one. It’s certainly turned out that way. Jupiter has stationed in Libra and we have a ‘hung parliament’. It surely won’t be many weeks before another election is called – given links between the UK’s chart and the next Full Moon perhaps it will be as soon as July.

As I understand it, Theresa May is due to make an announcement this morning. I will have left for a meeting with a client by then so am sending this out ahead of the news. We don’t have a time of birth for her but it is clear that the August eclipse hits her chart so I doubt that she will still be Prime Minister by September.

The election result confirms one thing through: and that is that the Brexit show is set to run and run. Negotiations are due to begin on Monday June 18th. Neptune will have stationed that weekend and the Moon will have reached Last Quarter and square the Galactic Centre. I suspect it will be next March before these really get underway.

Despite the fact this Rose Full Moon is furthest away from Earth and appears smaller than usual and perhaps even a little fainter, it’s already proved a dramatic period with both the UK election, the decision by the Scottish Episcopal Chart to permit same sex marriage and  James Comey testifying in the US. Judgement (Jupiter) calls have had to be made by so many people.


As expected, equities rose through May. It is not surprising given the 120 degree angle between Saturn and Uranus that markets are flying high especially when you consider the position of the Lunar True Node that creates a triangle with Saturn and Uranus. This ‘triangle’ loses power after the coming solar eclipse (August 21st).  After that date, the prognosis is not good – especially after Saturn arrives in Capricorn at the December solstice.

The business cycle linked to the Jupiter-Saturn cycle also has strength through until the August eclipse: another factor that could keep markets higher than seems rational given the levels of debt that have yet to be addressed.

Even so there are some worrisome dates on the horizon: from Thursday June 15th through to the Last Quarter Moon that squares the Galactic Centre on June 17th should prove negative, -though there are signs of recovery the following week.

As you may know, the chart for each solstice and equinox is used to get an idea of trends for the next quarter. Set for London, this chart is alarming: a prominent Mars and Chiron still within orb of the geodetic Midheaven. Of course it is to be hoped that there is no repeat of the recent atrocity but, with Mars opposing Pluto in early July and this aspect connecting with the chart for the United Kingdom, this should possibility should not be ruled out – but then neither should be the call for another general election.

The debts much spoken about at the Global Financial crisis in 2008 have yet to be paid off. Governments cannot ignore this forever. From the Winter Solstice when Saturn enters Capricorn, all will surely need to tighten belts even further. More immediately, and in the US, fiscal responsibility could be a big issue in the first week of July with the shutdown of various government sectors once again being threatened even if not immediately implemented. A further showdown is probable in September.


A planetary signature for these is emerging. Though not all attacks are the same, with some causing infinitely more problems than others, the positioning of Uranus and Neptune should be noted. Both are part of a complex planetary picture on July 1st. I will certainly back up material before then and would urge you to do the same.


Precious metals could reach a turning point slightly ahead of the next Full Moon (July 9th) – perhaps on July 6th or 7th. I am of the strong opinion that both gold and silver will make strong moves from September. Silver should do better than gold but both promise much. Early July, a likely low, should provide a buying opportunity.


In last month’s letter I reiterated my concern that all should be as free from debt as possible ahead of Saturn’s arrival in Capricorn at the December solstice. Not only do I fear that money will be hard to come by from then with lenders tightening criteria, but I suspect that interest rates will rise. For many, this will be a first-time experience and not a pleasant one at that.

Unsurprisingly, the first hints that the housing market is slowing has now been obvious here in the UK. That trend is likely to gather momentum in late 2018 and bring dismay to many by April 2019.


Since this is the Rose Full Moon, I thought it a good idea to look for a happy conclusion to this newsletter. Despite the very difficult planetary configurations to be negotiated between now and the next Full Moon, the outlook is not all bleak. Jupiter is, after all, moving forward once more. Progress can be made. What’s been stalled since February needn’t stay that way.

Given that Jupiter is all about thirst for knowledge, travel and international connections, and yes, often having a good time along the way – this should prove a summer to remember.

With all that in mind I am really looking forward to my pending visit to Montreal on Sunday July 8th and then Toronto (July 13th – 16th).  Details for both events are on the website. In preparation, I have been working on notes for navigating the probable financial crises of the coming decade. It’s both worrisome and exciting. I look forward to sharing my findings.

For now,

With all good wishes

Yours from the stars


The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology (February 2017) is now available through Amazon as is ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’ (October 2016)

Events: all information on the website www.financialuniverse.co.uk

MONTREAL: July 8th 2017

TORONTO: July 13th - 16th 2017

LONDON: October 10th

DUBLIN October 14th - 16th

CHICAGO: UAC conference May 2018
