Published: Tue, 07/19/16

July 19th 2016

Dear Fellow Star Gazers,

Happy – and safe - Full Moon.

Of course that’s what I want to it be.

But we live in dark times.

What possible explanation can there be for recent dramas? Yes, the Sun was at right angles to Uranus, yes Mars is now crossing critical degree areas and yes, a Grand Trine involving the Sun, Mars and Chiron formed late last week but surely there must be something more to explain the madness and mayhem?


Could it be that as Pluto edges toward alignment with a Black Hole at 19 Capricorn that some people are already affected by dark forces? The midpoint of Uranus and Pluto is already linked to this zodiacal degree. Unthinkable acts of terror, political upheaval and fast-paced social change could all be explained by extra-ordinary forces at work. If this is the case, then there is more – far more – to come.

In September, Jupiter begins its transit of Libra (another Cardinal sign) and in the coming months, will form a major triangle with Uranus and Pluto – and that Black Hole. Mars too contributes to the planetary picture again focusing on 19 Capricorn. The planetary picture around the October Full Moon isn’t good – or the Full Moons in January and this time next year.

We live in interesting times and the trading world post Brexit could prove challenging.

With or without that vote though, there is much to suggest that the financial bubbles so many people fought to avoid – particularly with regard to banking – are still around. Planetary pictures suggest that before too long these will have to be addressed if a spectacular crash is to be avoided.


Whilst it may not be possible to prevent disaster and though political change will surely be welcomed in some areas, for most of us, survival and retention of sanity must surely be paramount. We will all of us need to bend low and adjust to new conditions.

It could be a cosmic blessing that so many planets move through Mutable signs (think versatility, multi-tasking and generally quickly adjusting to conditions) in the coming weeks. Before the next Full Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune congregate in these signs. Those who are flexible in their financial arrangements could do well.


Yet this might not be good for markets. In the past, this modal emphasis – when many people don’t know which way to turn - has coincided with market falls. If history repeats then August will not be an easy month. That’s likely to be especially true of foreign exchange markets which should see particular volatility.


There is also the possibility of markets being affected by an event that is over-whelming: prompting large moves. A curious heliocentric pattern over July 22nd and 23rd suggests this possibility. Looking more closely into this, I wonder if there will be sharp movement in oil prices.


The New Moon on August 2nd coincides with Mars’ move into Sagittarius. As Saturn too will be in a Fire sign, I expect that there will be much talk of ‘regulation’ and security: in particular that which relates to travel. Security will surely become significantly tighter whilst travel stocks take a pounding. It seems unlikely that they will recover any time soon.


The next Full Moon (August 16th) is a lunar eclipse: - to be followed by a solar eclipse on September 1st and another lunar eclipse mid-September. It is recognised that the geomagnetic field is altered around the period of eclipses. History records many highly significant events coinciding with these cosmic dramas. This could be a highly eventful summer!

I am writing this whilst waiting to board a flight home from Toronto where I have enjoyed a super weekend with some wonderful Canadian astrologers. Already plans are in place for an event in September 2017. A computer blip prevented me from getting this written earlier thus this note is shorter than usual.

Two articles will be added to the website before the weekend. Since one of my Toronto talks didn’t pass my personal quality control, an article on the Secondary progressed Moon and Saturn cycles and the phenomenon known as ‘chasing the Moon’ will be added to the student note section.

Also, with Donald Trump having named his running mate, I will write a piece on the outlook for this partnership and post that in the Market thoughts section.

Once I am recovered from jet lag, the next plan is to get back to writing in earnest.

For now,

Wishing you all a happy and safe few weeks.

Yours from the stars
