Friday Inspiration: Opening to Everything

Published: Fri, 04/22/16

Dear ,

Hiking with my dog, Lucy, on a recent beautiful spring morning, I was overcome with peace. I started with my mind filled with planning and problem-solving, but that soon dissolved.

Then there was hearing the crunch of my boots on the trail, seeing the leaves glistening through the sunlight, breathing in the cool air. All in the vast, peaceful space where the sense of separation falls away. And the only words that come are, “Thank you.”

That’s how it is. Attention gets caught up in the workings of the mind that seem so important. And in one split second, there’s the release into simplicity and ease.

When we prefer an agitated mind over peace, we’re resisting a part of our experience—grabbing peace and pushing away agitation. Instead, can we open to all of it? Can we simply be present for the comings and goings of life? “Oh, it’s like this…now it’s like this…”

I want to thank everyone for taking the time to fill out the survey. Almost 200 of you responded, and I so appreciate knowing what you’re most interested in. Now, I’ll be able to offer more of what will be truly helpful for you.

If you’d still like to respond to the survey, it’s not too late. When you do, you’ll be eligible to win an autographed copy of my book, The End of Self-Help: Discovering Peace and Happiness Right at the Heart of Your Messy, Scary, Brilliant Life. Please click here for the link to the survey.

Welcoming all in the heart’s embrace…

Love to you,