New Post—Turn Toward Joy

Published: Tue, 08/02/16

Dear ,

It seems all too common to me that we forget to turn toward joy. We tend to focus on what’s wrong, how bad we’re feeling, and the things that other people aren’t doing to meet our expectations—and we forget to turn toward joy.
I have spent thousands of moments studying my experience. And I’ve found that, without exception, it’s always possible to shift our focus.

And it’s always possible to discover the sweetness that’s right here, at the heart of every moment.

If you’re interested in dwelling on your problems and worries, that is certainly a choice you can make. But there’s another choice—and that is choosing to turn toward joy.

For more, please click here to read my newest article, Turn Toward Joy.

And feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

I’m grateful for you, for your keen interest in this most essential topic of happiness, and for your pure heart. Wishing you a beautiful day!

Always in love,

PS: Please consider taking advantage of the introductory price for Guided Meditations for Wholeness, Clarity, and Freedom. You’ll get 3 volumes for the price of two for a few more days. People have been finding them very helpful as a support to stay clear and grounded.