Do You 'Care' About This Person?

Published: Fri, 09/06/13

Hey ,

I am just sat in the hotel lobby, waiting for Jo to wake up so we
can get some breakfast...... Before I head down to the ironman race
start area for a quick reci of the place before Sunday kicks off.....pretty nervous to be honest

Chop chop Jo.....;)

Been thinking about this post this week off the back of a few
conversations I have had with clients and friends....

------------Do You Care About This Person----------

It really comes down to this...."Justifying Self-Care"

Sometimes justifying money spent on yourself can be hard.

Sometimes justifying time spent on yourself can be hard.

I see parents trying to do this all the time...and they feel so
guilty for affording themselves time away from their little ones.

And sometimes justifying caring about yourself can be hard.

It's like we have to make sure everyone else is ok before we can
look after ourselves. 

It's weird isn't it!

Because to be brutally honest we cannot enrich the lives
of other by becoming a poorer version of ourselves!

Makes sense hey....if you eat rubbish how can you be energised for
your business, for your kids, for the activities yo want to do
after or before work...

The answer is.....YOU CANT!

Many of us have learned how to deprive and neglect ourselves, how
to beat ourselves up, to punish ourselves, and tell ourselves we're
not deserving or not good enough.

I am sure that some people view exercise as a punishment, as all
they seem to want to do is get beasted! Don't get me wrong training
at the 'right intensity' is great....but exercise done the way we
do it within our company, is not and will never be about handing
out beastings....I hate the thought if just random's
about progression, building and achieving excellence!

---------- Your Stress Bucket--------

Many of us push ourselves to the limits and then push even harder,
when the reality is we are already pushed too hard and our stress
buckets are overflowing.

I actually wrote about this in the book i co-authored which was an
amazon best seller.

Many of us are worried that the work will not get done if we rest
when we're tired, or that the bills won't get paid if we invest in
coaching, or that the rest of the family's needs should be put
before our own.

------ I think too much already-------

I can tell you now, I pay two coaches in my life....without them I
would not get done what I do....simple!

They increase my 'free will' , they take away the need for me to
think so much, 

Jo will tell you I do that already........

These are the stories we tell ourselves which lead to us getting
more and more tired, bigger and bigger, more and more reliant on
food, less understood and more and more overwhelmed.

We actually then struggle to tell people how we really feel as we
don't have the energy to think , introspect and express our
feelings....this is where from where I am stood things start to
break down.

But In reality, it's not the case.

The work will get done and it will get done better when we are well
rested and clear-headed. Good work rarely emerges from a tired soul
and spirit.

I often produce my best nutrition plans, programmes and articles
when I step away from my 'day-to-day' "stuff" and get my self
completely submerged in another environment.

The bills will get paid because the right coach will help you 'stem
the bleeding' on your outgoings and then help you develop ways to
leverage your time and resources for maximum affect. 

-----------Personally I can't afford NOT to see my coaches-----------

And by meeting our own needs and taking care of ourselves, we are
in a much stronger position to truly care for others, give of
ourselves generously and provide what is needed.

Keep it simple....I always say this to my clients.....

Rest when you are tired.

Take a drink of water when you are thirsty.

Call a friend when you are lonely and overwhelmed, I am addicted to
talking to people.....I can't help it....

Seek the support of a coach when you are feeling
overwhelmed....actually before that is ideal!

The answers are all in you already. Sometimes you just need someone
who is not on the field of play to help you see them.

For me the role of a coach, is much more than just someone who
kicks you up the's someone who helps you play your
game.....much much better.

Have a great day.

Matt :)