Hey ...how to tell -with absolute certainty- if you are on the right track-

Published: Thu, 10/21/10

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Quick Good Fortune
In This Issue...

Quick Good Fortune: Take time this week to make a plan and prepare for a BIG opportunity in your near future.

Hot Topic of the Week:   I'm not seeing hard evidence of success and I'm worn out. How do I find the right path?

A Quick Good Fortune Insight:  If you don't see any way to cross over to the other side: there isn't any way to do it. If the path you are on doesn't lead any where...then YOU don't have a destination you believe is possible. When it appears there is no solid way to cross over from where you are to "the other side" you are stuck right where you are. Time to fix it. The repair that your path needs - is not finding someone else's ready-made bridge...but building your bridge step-by-step from where you are.

"In the absence of
clearly-defined goals,
we become strangely
loyal to performing daily
trivia until ultimately we
become enslaved by it."

Robert Heinlein

How do I know for certain?
How do you know anything? Only and always from your senses. Do you only know what you see, taste, hear, feel and smell? "Sensing" is all you know about 'right now.' And you know it with certainty.

Confusion begins when you "interpret" what you are sensing. Feeling limited is only a result of your ability to imagine a future of more abundance. You give meaning to all you sense - and that attitude colors your experience. It also determines your future. You can only see or sense what you expect to see.

Something may be too hot, or cold. Smell good or bad. Taste delicious or not. You may feel disappointed and what you see around you is, "not enough" - compared to what you imagine is possible.

Is your attitude your choice? Probably not. You inherited it along with the color of your eyes and genetic patterns. If you were born in India you would taste and interpret far differently than one born in Argentina or Canada, right?

It is your interpretation and attitude that sets your life in motion - and predetermines your experiences and outcomes.

"Never confuse yourself by visions of an entire lifetime at once...remember that it is not the weight of the future or the past that is pressing upon you, but ever that of the present alone." Marcus Aurelius

Your success is not a needle in a haystack that you must go find. It is not "a trick question" and you have to guess the right answer. Success doesn't lie in WHAT you do -- but rather in HOW you do what you are doing now.

Be careful not to mistake temptation for opportunity. Easy to do when looking for how to get cash quick... You can't go after paper in the abstract: Go after what it will do for you. Love abundance for the freedom and creativity it provides. This attitude helps you to see opportunities.... and to avoid tempting quick fixes!

"Abundance is the ability
to do what you want to do,
when you want to do it."


Success doesn't come from ANYTHING outside of you. Not the Lottery or your mate or your job. It is ONLY within your own attitudes and expectations that you can find success.

Daydreams and Certainty
You know with absolute certainty that your life will turn out as you expect. What you wish and hope for is another story. Expectation is what you get. See quickly what you expect - by looking around you - your life now is it.

If you want something different - and you do - then choose to interpret and anticipate something different.

"Happiness doesn't depend
upon who you are or
what you have;
it depends solely
on what you THINK."

Dale Carnegie

As you sense your life around you...mostly an unconscious habit ....choose to pay close attention and to see it in a new way. At first it feels strange and uneasy- good. That means change is happening.

If you want more abundance than you have now (health, wealth, whatever) then the only way to get there is to "plant seed ideas" of your new vision in YOUR MIND and nurture it into the life you are sensing and living now.

Now is all there is.
Now is all you have. Your vision can't happen if you see it "way over there and beyond your reach." Bring it home - to your present moment - and live it now.

"Sow a thought, reap an action;
sow an action, reap a habit;
sow a habit, reap a character;
sow a character, reap a destiny."

Celtic Proverb

Sound impossible? That is exactly how new business profits, new sports records, new inventions, and new realities come into being. First an idea or Vision, then persistent action and finally achievement. 

Certainty and
Your Future

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Success, like a ladder, means stepping up, one rung at a time - if you want to move forward.
"It's so hard
when I have to,
and so easy
when I want to."

Annie Gottlier

How to Be Certain of an Outcome

Certainty can only come from trust in yourself. If you do not keep your word to yourself and do not do what you say you are going to do - you can't trust yourself, right?

If you feel uneasy about your future hopes and dreams - it is only because you know you are not consistent and reliable - so you hope for someone else or "luck" to swoop in and change your life. Looking for a lover to save the day? Buying lottery tickets?  Hello?

"Make a decision and then make the decision right. Line up your Energy with it. In most cases it doesn't really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you enormously well, and all or any one of them is better than no decision."  Abraham-Hicks

Commitment is the decision that "I am going to...." and really meaning it. It is an empty promise if you don't have a plan - and monitor your results. Think of certainty like an athlete intending to run a marathon. There's no question she/he's going to do it... and how much she/he practices determines success. Life routines change around making the commitment to do something new, don't they?  If the future you dream is to happen - it is up to you today. Do you have a plan?

"Your persistence is
your measure of faith
in yourself."

Cheryl Janecky

An athlete or musician assure success through expecting results, taking action and visioning the outcome or goal. The one with the strongest commitment wins, right? The others don't "lose" unless they quit. Continuing to practice soon leads to the expectation "...now I'm ready, now I can do it." And very soon - "I am it!" The only success that matters is your own.

Proof of outcomes

Look back about 10 years ago - and recall who you were then...what you knew about life, what you expected and the life you lived then. Go on: really do it. Feel what it was like then...and note that what you expected is what you lived.

If you are growing and changing then your life now is quite different today than in your past. You could not even imagine some of the changes you made - way back then. Your vision for your future changed as you grew and new options came into your life. You do not see the outcome until after you have lived it - and look back. To expect to see the outcome before you start is a good way to stop yourself from attempting something new. Get over it. Get a vision, commit and begin, or nothing in your life can change.

"There is one quality that
one must possess to win,
and that is definiteness
of purpose, the knowledge
of what one wants, and a
burning desire to possess it."

Napoleon Hill

If nothing much has changed in your life over 10 years, then neither have you. Life is a mirror and reflects your sense of yourself, your worth, what you deserve and are able to achieve. That combination of attitudes is the over-all feeling or resonance of you. That is the signal that attracts matching signals that become your experiences.

Your outcomes and you match exactly. If you continue to do what you have always done, you are certain of always getting the same things. You have "proof of outcomes" using your present attitude - by looking at your past.

"Stop allowing your destiny to be determined by chance & make the Choice to introduce a few small disciplines into your life that will allow you to design your future exactly the way you want it. When you apply daily discipline in your life & you take consistent & persistent action, you get to CREATE the future of your... dreams, one small positive action at a time." Andrew Horton

Changing Outcomes: 5 tips.

The way you spend your day is the way you spend your life.

"Successful people are
always looking for
opportunities to
help others.
Unsuccessful people
are always asking,
"What's in it for me?"

Brian Tracy

1.)  Friends mirror you exactly. Yes, even the ornery ones. Each shows you your limits and fears as well as your strengths and talents. Choose friends as carefully as you choose your "attitudes" and soon your life will mirror new results.
"The only limit to our
realization of tomorrow
will be our doubts of today.
Let us move forward with
strong and active faith."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

2.)  You program in expectations through observing your surroundings. Same with watching media. What do you watch and listen to (sensing, right?) daily? The composite feeling or resonance of all of it - matches your life, right? If you want something that feels better - turn to stations that feel better.

"Kindness in words
creates confidence,
kindness in thinking
creates profoundness,
kindness in feeling
creates love."

Lao Tzu

3.)  Self-talk and your attitudes about your talents and abilities are mirrored out in life too. Mostly those were given to you in childhood and school. You do not want your future run by decisions made at 6 and 10 years old, do you? Or by the opinion of a judgmental teacher or coach? The disapproval and criticism got there by repetition - and you change it the same way. Tell a new story - and tell it often. Daily.

"First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win."

Mohandas Gandhi

4.)  Action becomes the knowing how. A musician isn't going to play a new tune without practice. In the same way, add experiences to your ideas... so you can feel you are improving, changing, learning, and accomplishing new things. That action - even around a hobby - will boost your self esteem immensely. That carries over into all aspects of your life - if you continue it.

"Our job is to look into the world for reasons to believe in ourselves. Each time we find one, it replaces the limitations that we may have held ourselves to in the past. It's when we abandon ourselves to that new possibility that we shatter the old paradigm of false limits and find the spontaneous healing of our beliefs."

Gregg Braden, PhD

5.)  Vision your future. Without a clear destination - your efforts will scatter and dissipate. Imagine the you of 10 years from now. What do you love? What are you doing? With whom? How do you feel? Now imagine looking back at you, now. What would you tell yourself now? What advice do you give to "you now" - about winning?

"The thing that troubles you
is not the thing itself but
your perception of
that thing which
can be changed at
any moment"

Marcus Aurelius

Fears and anxiety
If you feel anxious or fearful about venturing out in a new direction - that is natural. Manage risks and make a plan. Staying where you are is not safer - nor possible. Not getting what you want is not going to feel good, and without changes, a new future isn't going to happen. Everything is changing - and changing before you need to is the path to success.

"EFT® has helped my clients
deal successfully with addictions,
grief, fears, phobias, performance
issues, self-image and stress."

Dr. Catherine Saltzman

Body stress and tension
Fears are often irrational and not even about what you think you feel anxious about. Much anxiety is programed into life - and the media enhances it to sell products and get ratings. The fastest way to overcome pain, fear or anxious feelings is through the energy methods. EFT has many free videos and manuals; TAT or Tapas Acupressure Technique and PSTEC audio tapes work best on long standing trauma or old fears. Consider strengthening your self esteem a part of your success plan and commit to a practice to accomplish it.

Once you sense and are certain about money flowing in: It will. If it seems like a fantasy: It is.

"It's the combination of
our thoughts and feelings
which spur on action
which creates our results.
By becoming conscious
of our thoughts and
making a decision of
our actions....we
CREATE the result of
what we want."

Esther Adle

Use your Future to Design your Now.

Without imagination you cannot arrive at a certainty of anything. See yourself now -- from the perspective of your future self -- ten years from now - the you who has accomplished what you seek now. Imagine where you are, who you are with, activities... Play with the idea of YOU ten years from now.

From 10 years in your future - look back at you today. Feel the difference? What has to happen? What advice does your future self have for you now?

Remember who you were 10 years ago?

As YOU now - How do you feel about the "past" you - ???  Love? Encouragement? Helpful? Of course!  Imagine you could help yourself. That same help comes from your future self. Play with it - it can only help you.

"The most influential
person you will talk to
all day is you."

Zig Ziglar

Why? The feelings are genuine - it is you talking to you. Your expectations are real - you have imagined and felt what it is like - and it is real for you. Does it make you feel hopeful and expectant? If not - work on it.

These are exercises that Olympic athletes use - and you can to. When what you want is important enough to you - you will train - as an athlete or musician does.

"Opportunity, Possibility and Potential are saturating this present moment; nothing is fixed everything is malleable. Those things that seem so permanent are vibrating with the rest of the universe. So, imagine one those monumental things that seem un-moveable, now drop it in a glass of water and watch it dissolve and mingle with the water. This is closer to reality than you may have ever imagined." K. Allen Kay

Perception of What Is "as it Is" -- guarantees a future of Good Fortune. Change is the only constant. Slip into the flow of possibilities and go with your hearts desire.

Good Fortune!

Cheryl Janecky

P.S. More insights and tips.

Philosopher Alan Watts - What is significant? Insignificant? Brilliant insights into sensing and being in a unified environment. Wholeness and balance comes from interpretation: perspective and insights.

Hearing loss? Most of us have become so used to suppressing noise that we don't think much about what we're hearing, or about how we listen. Yet our well-being is now being seriously damaged by modern sound. Here are 10 things about sound and health that you may not know.

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Happy Autumn Colors!
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"Negative thinking
disrupts healthy
brain function."

Daniel G. Amen, MD

"Patience and
perseverance have
a magical effect
before which
difficulties disappear
and obstacles

John Quincy Adams
"There is nothing
more powerful than
you claiming
victory over
your life."

Joel Osteen
"To achieve something
you've never achieved
before, you must
first become
someone you've
never been before."

Brian Tracy
"It's not enough
to be busy, so
are the ants.

The question is:
What are WE
busy about?"

Henry David Thoreau
"Faith means living
with uncertainty -
feeling your way
through life, letting
your heart guide
you like a lantern
in the dark."

Dan Millman
"It's important that
people should know
what you stand for.

It's equally important
that they know what
you won't stand for."

Mary H. Waldrip
"It's the repetition
of affirmations that
leads to belief.
And once that belief
becomes a deep
conviction, things
begin to happen."

Muhammad Ali
"You see everything
is about belief,
whatever we believe
rules our existence,
rules our life."

Don Miguel Ruiz
"I decided to
start anew,
to strip away
what I had
been taught."

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"Money affects
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Robert Kiyosaki
"You can't talk
your way out of
problems you
yourself into."

Stephen R. Covey
"When YOU get
into a tight place
and everything
goes against YOU,
never give up then,
for that is just the
place and time that
the tide will turn."

Daniel G. Amen, MD
"You get the
essence of what
you think about-
whether you
want it or not."

"To attain knowledge,
add things every day.

To attain wisdom,
remove things
every day."

Lao Tzu
"You can't
disappoint another
human being.
And another
human being
can't disappoint

Byron Katie
"Don't make a
fuss about anything.
Whenever you worry,
remember, you are
deepening the
cosmic delusion
within you."




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