GMB Dominator Beta is HERE.. Go!

Published: Tue, 03/05/19

Sorry for the delay guys...

I truly wanted to over deliver on this one..

So we created "another" software as well
as all the others go to with this particular
Beta Membership.


* GMB Dominator.
The only software on the planet that creates
9 Drive to maps to your GMB, creates 10 maps
1 from each surrounding neighbourhood to your GMB
and another with all 9 locations driving to your GMB
Plus provides a PDF with all your relevant content on it
the map images of each and all the embed codes.
Plus the software uploads this PDF to
and then provides the embed code to this exact pdf
hosted on drive, on the same PDF :)

* Incredible Discovery script that not only
Finds Unclaimed GMB's at one click
It also finds their "Email" addresses so you
can contact them easily.

* Coming soon.
Updated Google Site generator Software
To create Gsites with all your embeds
Google Map embeds
Spider map embeds
PDF embeds.

* Coming Soon..
This software is still secret.. but you'll
have to trust me on this one.. It's so powerful
I can't even mention it right now.
Just imagine a software, 3 mins to enter data
run it over night and wake up to
High Paying Prospects...........
Emailing YOU!

* Check the competitiveness of GMB's
So you can find those low hanging fruit GMB
3Packs in surrounding neighbourhoods.. Boom!
Why make life hard when you can choose the easier ones to target :)

We are live right now guys..

Sorry for taking so long.. I've had so many people hit me up
asking etc.. but it's here now.. Going to be fun.
