Time is NOW for Google My Business, Don't miss this boat. My story inside.

Published: Wed, 03/06/19

Not sure if you saw my video yesterday,

But I'm here to tell you, the Time is NOW.

This takes me right back to the Good Ol Days of SEO

Where people using my SEO softwares were just Cleaning UP.

Setting up SEO agencies left right and centre.

Up to 60% of my members were purchasing additional licenses
to use my software on other computers, meaning they were
taking on staff to deal with the volume they were getting.

We are back there right now with Google My Business.

***** Googles got a problem........

Consider this.

Amazon | Ebay.

When you go to these sites, you are a "Buyer"

When you search google, you are a "Browser"

Googles answer to this in conjunction with Mobile is..

Google My Business

They are providing "Buying" opportunities to their
Mobile Audience.

When people search locally.. now they are getting closer
to "Buying" users.

So Google needs to fill up their database with Business's and fast.

That's where we come in.

We are the conduit between Google and Local Business's around the entire world.

So the scope is enormous..


Once Google fills up their database with all the local business's around the globe

They'll then start tightening the screws, just like they did with
* Adsense
* Video

Right now they have the gates open to attract all the local business's into Mobile Search.

This is our opportunity right now. Because I can tell you, once they start to tighten the screws
people will still be trying, but it's going to be a LOT more difficult..

I, Myself was late to this party, but I'm in right now as deep as I can possibly get.
why? because I know for certain we've got at least 2 years, possibly 3 to milk this
opportunity right now.

Even if you're new, it's time to jump in boots and all.

If you get on board with us, you'll be surrounded by GMB Pro's who know this stuff inside out.

Ask questions till you are one.

If you've had success with Video Marketing, this is just a NO Brainer.. Technically similar or easier
but the PR0Fits are extraordinarily or significantly more massive by a long stretch...

My membership has 4 softwares included in it.. 2 right now and the rest rolling out shortly.

All in one membership.. once they are tested and improved upon, we'll be releasing them
individually most likely. One of them will be retailing for a lot more than this membership
is right now and that's for just one of the bonus's you'll be getting today when you join.

I'm doing my best to get people motivated to get into GMB's as big a way as possible as soon
as possible.. The sooner you master this process the sooner you'll be achieving massive success
that is there right now.

Not only that, you personally or your company is leveraged, by associating with the biggest Brand
On the Planet. Helping other business's get in partnership with Google.. Everyone knows Google
is where the traffic, leads, people, business is.. We can help them reach it and above their
competitors.. Boom!! I can't see it getting better than this. Especially Now.

I'm only suggesting you do exactly what I've done myself.. I'm in with both feet.

Just this membership LOL I counted yesterday how many videos I've created..

28.. admittedly 8 of them were intros.. and some were duplicated, (to get the Closed captions on them)

This show's how committed I am.. not to mention the design and coding that's gone into all these softwares :)

Check out all the videos on the sales page here.


Then jump in with both feet like I did..

Feel free to ask me any questions inside :)
