Your Magic Number.......(it's not what you think)

Published: Sun, 11/24/13

Do you know your magic number?
It's the amount you need to cover, 
before everything else is gravy.
Look, 2- 3 months from now, you could have 
your Empower Network income paying for 
all your expenses.
Everything you make above and beyond that,
goes towards building your wealth and legacy.
Here's what you want to think about covering:
* Mortgage/Rent
* Groceries
* Health
* Insurance
* Car payment/Insurance
* Credit Card
* Debt (min payments)
* School for kids?
* Utilities
* Internet/TV/Phone/Cell
Go ahead, add these up, and write down
what this number is.
It is really important to have a very strong 
reason WHY to build passive income or 
you won't do it.
Are you ready?
60 days from now, your life can be 
completely different...
Imagine how you'd feel to spend more time with
your kids or lose the pressure of heavy debt.
Go here <---
Watch and take notes...
Don't wait anymore, take a leap of faith and decide 
you want something better.
You can do this!

Talk to ya soon.

Henry Verdejo Jr
(203) 676-3710