Herbal Rootlets No. 1

Published: Wed, 02/12/14


Welcome to Herbal Rootlets, the improved version of our newsletter sent out weekly to keep you up to date on the current giveaways, news and other happenings at Herbal Roots zine!

This month's herb: Eucalpytus

Many people associate Eucalyptus with the taste of the commercial Halls Menthol-lyptus cough drops. If there's one thing we've learned, it's that Eucalyptus can be very opening to the sinuses! However, we don't need a cough drop full of questionable ingredients to get that job done. Eucalyptus leaves contain this ability with their rich essential oils of cineol, pinene and citronellal.

Native to Australia, Eucalyptus is in the Myrtle family, formally known as Myrtaceae. Clove, Guava, Allspice and many others are also in this family. Eucalyptus is both the common and genus name and comes from the Greek words...

Did You Know?

We are on Pinterest! Follow us to see interesting pins that relate to all things herbal that are kid friendly!

This week's giveaway:
Package from MRH
This week's giveaway is for spectacular Witch Hazel Package fromĀ Mountain Rose Herbs! Next month at Herbal Roots zine, it will be all about Witch Hazel and this package will get you off on the right start for learning all about it! This package includes:
This week's special:
Annuals 50% off
Between now and Sunday, February 16, 2014, all individual annuals (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) are 50% off their regular price of $60.

To take advantage of this sale, go to our website and add the desired annual to your cart. The discount will be reflected in the cart.

This discount only applies to the complete annuals and not individual issues or the complete archive.