Tim Castleman Lied To You...

Published: Fri, 07/25/14

Tim Castleman Lied To You...

In an attempt to get your money...

Tuesday morning, Sam England and I released our latest product "KD Researcher Software."

A lot of affiliates jumped on board and mailed within minutes of our launch time.

Nine minutes after our software launch, Tim Castelman darkened people's email boxes with this subject line: "Do not buy KD Researcher (Critical Flaw Discovered)".

His email read in part:

In a few minutes your inbox is going to be destroyed with affiliates for KD Researcher telling you to buy it.

I won't be one of them and here's why.

While using it this morning I discovered a critical flaw in the software.

I'm actually shooting a video now explaining it and I will send it to you in a few minutes.

18 minutes later, Tim Castleman sent an email with the subject line: "KD Researcher Critical Error Video (As Promised)".

In Tim's second email, he said:

I wanted to show you two critical flaws I've found with the KD Researcher software.

You need to be aware of them PRIOR to making your buying decision.

If you buy the software without watching this video, you're going to be disappointed.

Watch the video here...

PS: I like this software (once you see the video you'll see why) <snip>

In his video, Tim said in essence (paraphrased):

Let me show you the critical flaw of 'KD Researcher' and how you can take advantage of it.

The first flaw is that the initial search takes about 1-2 minutes to process. The second flaw is that there is no way to export the data. 

My recommendation is to buy early, to save money, and wait for the creators to add this one feature... With the foreknowledge that the product creators have already said that they were looking at adding the "missing feature" -- export data...

The "first flaw" as Tim suggests is that it takes roughly one minute, maybe a bit longer, for the software to scrape more than 100 web pages of data from the Amazon website, extract the relevant data form the web page, then organize that information for the software to show to you.

Once the initial search is done, all sorting options generally return the information to you in less than a second, which Tim did point out in his video.

The "second flaw," according to Tim, was that the software did not have a function "yet" to export the data to his hard drive. He did advise in the video that both Sam and I told him before launch that we were definitely adding the export feature within a matter of days, in an upcoming update, which was released just 48 hours after launch.

We told him, "We will be adding that feature, if we can make it work."

Tim Castleman lied to you, because he wanted your money!

The usage of the word "flaw" indicated that the software was somehow broken and unfixable!

The software wasn't broken. It was merely lacking a feature, when the software was released, that beta-testers had requested.

We scheduled our launch day one month prior, and we met our scheduled launch on time, as promised. Then, less than 48 hours later, we released a free update with the "missing feature" enabled.

We delivered on our promises, first to launch our software on a specific day at a specific time, and second, to deliver the requested feature within one week of our launch.

But, Tim Castleman deliberately lied to you, because he wanted your money!

Let me explain...

Tim knew that we had told him that the "missing feature" was going to added to the software within one week.

But, in his initial email, Tim told you that he would not recommend you buy "KD Researcher", because it had a "critical flaw."

His goal was to undermine the other affiliates mailing on this offer. 

When he told you that he was not going to recommend our software, he knew that he would recommend the software, after he prevented you from buying it from other affiliates!

He lied to you to make sure that if you bought the software, you would buy it from him and no one else. 

In the process, Tim not only cheated other affiliates out of sales, but he also cheated several of his customers out of a promising tool for their Kindle business, a software tool that has the potential to help them increase their book sales and their Kindle royalties...

Tim cared more about his commissions on our software, than he cared about the people who would be buying our software!!

His marketing plan was simple. He wanted to undermine the credibility of other affiliates for this software, to ensure that people bought from him instead of from other people. 

He expected that his readers would "hang on his every word" and would watch his video, where he demonstrated the software and told us about its "critical flaw", before recommending that the flaw would be fixed in a few days and telling people who watched the video the following about our "KD Researcher Software":

Personally, what I would do is that if the software excites you and you are willing to wait on this one feature and you willing to understand that it will take a little time, I'd grab it.

You can grab it through my link below. 

But my real goal was to show you that I wanted to show you this software, warts and all.

Do I think this software is awesome? Yes, I do. Do I think I think it has huge potential and will save you time, money and energy? Absolutely, I do. 

I just feel like it needs that one update to be the perfect piece of software

So, there you have it, there is my full and unbiased review. I think it is a great piece of software, if you can live with its limitations, and if you are interested in it, I'd pick it up as quickly as possible so you can save as much money as possible.

Unfortunately for Tim and his customers, some people read the headlines, and maybe the first email, but they don't want to watch a long video detailing what was "supposedly flawed" about the product. 

Sam and I know that this helped Tim and hurt many of his customers. 

We know this, because Tim is one of our top three affiliates. 

And, we also know that half a dozen people told us that they would never consider buying our product, because "they knew the software was critically flawed!!"

They refuse to buy, because they would have needed to wait 48 hours to get the update with the one "missing feature" that wasn't there on launch day!

But, those folks who chose not to buy based on Tim's "critically flawed" headline DON'T KNOW that Tim Castleman lied to them!

They DON'T KNOW that the only real flaw was that they would have had to wait 48 hours to get the update with the "missing feature."

They DON'T KNOW that Tim was playing fast and loose with the facts, to be able to ensure that people would only buy from him.

They DON'T KNOW that Tim talked them out of buying a perfectly awesome piece of software, simply because Tim wanted them to buy from him and no one else.


What you DON'T KNOW about Tim Castleman can limit your future success as a Kindle book author...

Smaller Kindle royalty checks await those, who read Tim Castleman's subject lines and take them at face value!


Tim Castleman lied about our software, as part of his marketing campaign, designed to undermine other affiliates, make himself look better than everyone else, and to ensure that you purchased through his link and no one else's link, because he wanted your money.

Personally, I am known for giving critical reviews of the products that I think deserve a critical review... BUT -- and here is the big difference between Tim Castleman and myself -- I won't lie to you about the product, so that I can get the sale...

p.s. If you would like to take an honest look at our "KD Researcher Software," now that you know the facts, then please Click Here...

p.p.s. If you would like to forward this email to people that you think may benefit from reading it, please do.

Bill Platt
Stillwater, Oklahoma USA