Women Hate This...

Published: Thu, 10/13/11

#1 Thing Women Hate, that makes them fearful of men AND put up larger barriers for entry is men who LIE! 

I have so many beautiful, amazing GF's who have been burned by men who lie.

It makes them distrust men.

I just received a great newsletter, from my friend and dating coach David Wygant, that clearly explains why lying to women will always burn you in the end.

Newsletter From David:

You had the BEST of intentions.

I know you did.

In fact, you were just trying to use a technique or routine or pickup line you had read somewhere.


But it came back and bit you...

You LIED to a woman when you met her.

Maybe you told her you were in that women's clothing store in which you met her because you were shopping for a gift for your sister (and you don't have a sister).

Maybe you told her you wanted her help picking out a great meatless hot dog since you were newly vegetarian (and you eat an average of 5 Big Mac's a week)

Or whatever the lie was that you invented so you'd have a good story to use to help you meet her.

(Which is ALL you wanted in the first place!)

BUT then later on she caught you -- AND now... it's over.

The thing is that when you lied to her --

You weren't trying to mislead her. You weren't trying to be a bad guy. You weren't trying to "play" her.

You just were looking for a way to meet her!

I get it.

You just wanted a way to help you feel more comfortable approaching that woman you would have been otherwise too nervous approach.

But here's the thing -- and it gets SO many guys into trouble, and RUINS it for them with girls they REALLY like...

You don't need to lie, ever.

Let's say you're in a clothing store and you see a woman in the women's dep't you would really like to approach.

You might be thinking "How can I go over and talk to her? Maybe I'll just say I'm looking for a gift for my sister."

And you don't have a sister.

Well, good plan EXCEPT...

What happens if you end up dating her?

She's going to wonder where this sister of yours has disappeared to, right?

So don't lie and don't make stories up when you are meeting women.

(I hope it goes without saying that this rule also applies AFTER you meet them as well!)

Liars in life always have to remember their stories.

People who tell the truth don't have to worry about remembering anything.

If you always tell the truth and speak from your heart, you'll never forget anything.

When you speak with passion, you'll never have to think about something that you've previously said.

You won't ever get caught in a lie, and you won't have to backtrack.

Let's say you're dating someone and she has an interest in outdoor markets.

When you first met, you told her that you also loved this certain market (but in truth you've never been there).

Now you're dating, and she suggests that you go there.

BUT since you've never been there in your life, NOW you have to backtrack.

It's the little things like that that will get you into trouble.

And in this case, the stupid things...

Women do not want to date men who lie to them.

By lying about something like this -- no matter how innocent the lie was meant to be -- you could ruin something with a woman you really like that potentially could have been amazing.

Never lie!

Sure, you can create something to help you out.

To approach that woman in the women's dep't looking at clothes, you might say,

"Hey, I'm looking for something for a friend of mine from work."

That's just a little white lie!

If you have a sister, you're golden! If you have a cousin, you're good to go. And everybody's got a female friend.

Yes, everyone has a female friend.

It doesn't matter how you do it, if you need something for an opener, it's okay to use a little white lie to help yourself out.

BUT you don't want to create fictitious family members!

Creating fictitious family members was something I learned to do a long time ago.

I used to cut class in high school, and I would have girls to write notes for me.

The notes would say thing like this:

"Please excuse David from school today, he has a doctor's appointment."

Well, eventually you run out of excuses for doctor's appointments.

So then we moved on to funerals.

According to these notes, my Grandfather died 72 times in high school!

But really, never ever lie about anything.

If you're going to cancel a date, don't lie to do it.

Don't say, "My mom really needs me, she got sick."

You might decide you actually like that person and then some day she'll want to meet your mother (who, according to you, has passed away ten years ago).

Yes, I've heard more than once from my female clients that men actually do things like this!

Men make up stories to get out of things.

Don't make up stories. Don't lie.

Just remember that you will ALWAYS get caught!

You will always be caught in your lies, and NOTHING will end a relationship with a woman more quickly than getting caught in a lie.

It's not worth it.

Trust me.


My 2 Cents!
There is never a good reason to lie. Not to women, men, anyone.
There is no need. 

Once you get caught in a lie by a woman, she will distrust EVERYTHING you tell her. 

No need to jump on that merry go round.
I would highly recommend checking out David's website and signing up for his free newsletter.

He sends out great messages and has really good, NON PUA insight.

Go check him out: