So What Do You Make?

Published: Fri, 11/18/11

100% Today

This is an interesting question. One many ask when joining a business or a money making adventure.
But... would you come up to me and bluntly say "what does your Engineering job pay you"?
Um, no
No one does that unless you have a level 10 skill in being a jerk.
Personal income is just that... PERSONAL.
Only in the home business area do people flaunt this to legitimize the money making opportunity.
Well, the PROPER way to go about this is NOT ask an individual what they are making since most are still building their residual and they haven't fully reached their potential yet.
So the better way to see that is to see a Income hasn't all been received yet.
So you need to see the entire picture.
The Income Disclosure.
Here is Mine:
but here is the crazy thing.
I'm Number #1 money earner and this income disclosure just said in an annualized average amount = $1,304,546
That's when you know you got something special.
Your no longer talking about the amount in numbers but how many commas.
This is where the FTC will actually help me build a massive team.
Here is what you need to do:
Watch my vision of Project Mayhem:
Then let's make you a 2 comma earner below:


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