Recording Of Facebook PPC Marketing

Published: Fri, 10/21/11

Hi ,
Well, right now I'm at the happiest place on earth besides my home... Disney World.
I sent a message the other day about this presentation and we had a host of issues but I asked my partner to re-shoot the presentation and it's finally up.
If you didn't get to see it I got a recording blow:
Facebook Marketing Training Recorded Here

We had some AWESOME turn out and it was a great feeling to be able to deliver high end content to the masses. Gotta love technology.
Here is just a small sample of the live testimonials during the webinar:
  • PJ -  Awesome Brian! Loved your webinar. Learned a lot. PPC now sounds a lot less intimidating. lol Will jump into this asap. Keep it up Brian! You're rocking it!
  • Dave - By the way..congrats to Brian on his story that's "frickin" awesome!
  • Eric - Brian = Internet Marketing Monster. The End. HAT IS INSANE! TELL THEM I SAID SO! INSANE VALUE!!!
Sorry I can't be around to answer a lot of your questions as I'm still hanging out with the top marketers in the world like Brian Fanale, David Wood, Raymond Fong, and many others in Disney World. Just make sure to stay tuned to my next training.