Something Is Coming (email 3)

Published: Fri, 01/13/12




I'm going to be occupied the next week or so doing a JV launch for my teams. If you are in one of my teams... you know what I mean.
But... if your reading this then your probably long term reader of mine or maybe your just here for the first time.
Well, I've been cooking something up for the last week or so slowly releasing it to my internal mastermind teams... why? it's a LOT of high level stuff most people just won't get.
so instead....
I don't want to overflow your mind just yet and take it a bit easier on you.
I will be recording one of these high level discussions about money online and shooting it to my team live first... then I'll record and send it to you later on.
But for now.....
Drum Roll Please...
I Just got nominated to be one of the "possible" guess trainers to speak at an internet marketing conference
I've been in front of crowds but nothing like this.
One of the requirements on there was that speakers make $200k or more.. Well,, i'm not going to blow smoke up your butt and say I pulled in 200k in my businesses in 2011...
 But what I will say is I made over 90k in 9 week in the last quarter of 2011... so I'm gearing up and I want in!!
You might even recognize the other trainers on the ballot. Most of the are millionares.. I'm just a guy who is providing for his family by working as an engineer AND marketing online and off.
If you want to see me LIVE and in color in Vegas, please vote for me (must have facebook account) and please have your family and friends vote too.
I believe with the right platform I can reach MORE people that working part time doesn't mean working for peanuts... I want to teach outsourcing and just managing a busy schedule yet having enough time to build teams and make sales.
I think the recession is in people's minds and when there is a downturn in the economy THAT is when the most millionaires flourish.
I want to tell my story to a large audience.. please click below and click the LIKE button above my head
I'm on the last row.