[ENERGY CURRENTS] A Special Invitation on 11/11 (FR*EE)

Published: Tue, 11/05/13

Thank you for being part of this loving community, simply by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration and contributing Love to the world as well as being sent nurturing loving energy every moment!

 ~  To read this issue online, Click here:  http://www.aweber.com/t/AQ8AX


Welcome to Energy Currents!  Energy Currents is a living publication and it is infused with beautiful energy that you can FEEL as you read.  I hear from subscribers all the time how they feel the energy!  If you are new to Energy Currents, it is my intention that you be inspired and uplifted and of course, feel the energy!   (The energy is so powerful, at times it can mess up the formatting! So if you see anything odd, you can be assured that this issue contains VERY powerful energy!)   I have decided that I surrender to the formatting energies and choose peace!  

Wow some super awesome energy flowed in this weekend during the New Moon-Solar Eclipse!  This very powerful high frequency energy is still flowing and will continue to flow and build throughout November.   Also during November the energy of the brightest comet of our lifetimes, the Comet ISON, is also streaming in high frequency Light energy as it moves in close  proximity to the Earth.  All of this heightened energy will be affecting us this month.  You may notice that you feel some turbulence or imbalance due to the powerful energy fluctuations.  If you do, step back for a moment and focus on your breath.  Just breathe.  Take a breather as they say!  It will work wonders for your energy, your confidence and your balance.!

Next Monday, during all this high powered energy and on the high energy date of 11/11, I am speaking on Your Lifestyle Evolution about moving into the space of your Heart to allow yourself to receive infinitely!  You are invited!  It's 100% fr*ee and I would be so honored if you'd come support me for a very special talk with host Christopher J. Carr.  Here's the link to register: http://bit.ly/YourLifestyleEvolution

VibesUP Guzzle Package $67 Special  ENDS tonight at MIDNIGHT your timezone.  This is an  incredible deal consisting of:   An Earth Bottom VibesUP Guzzle bottle, an Earth Mat (for sitting, sleeping, pain relief and over 100 uses), Energy Snap Wrap for wrists, Crystal Clear Clarity Pendant and Crystal Clear Clarity Bracelet -- Total value at regular prices is $190. YOU get it for $67!  You save $123!!   That is LESS than the price of the Earth mat alone!   I highly recommend this package, it's a fabulous deal with fabulous products!  You'll use and love everything in it.   AND ...here's a big money saving idea:  Get TWO PACKAGES and break one up and use it as Holiday presents!  Link:   http://bit.ly/VibesUPGuzzlePackage

There's also a new fabulous VibesUP deal for you: 
2 for 1 Divine Earth Soles!  Kaitlyn wants everyone to be able to "plug in" through the 50,000 receptors in our feet to the Earth energy throughout the winter when we can't be outside barefoot on the Earth.  To ensure you get 2 for 1 Soles,  put "Double my Soles!" into the Notes box in the checkout cart.:  http://bit.ly/2for1DivineEarthSoles

Lots of goodies below for you including what I think are a couple of wonderful uplifting Vibe Boosters.

Enjoy the issue,  a
s always this issue was made for you with Oodles of Love!   Enjoy!

      Wednesday:   November 27 -  Solar Eclipse - Comet ISON Multdimensional Money Reiki Session!  (Includes Special Energy for Holiday Bliss & Ease)

November 2013 brings us some spectacularly powerful energy events!  And November's Multidimensional Money Reiki Session is going to channel all of focusing it powerfully in your life! 

We enter into November experiencing a Total (Hybrid) Solar Eclipse coinciding with a powerful energy of a potent New Moon on November 3, both in Scorpio. This power duo carry very potent energy of change and enlightenment.  The added power of the Solar Eclipse to the New Moon energies makes this month's energy particularly powerful for bringing things into the light and manifestation of your intentions and abundance.  The Taurids Meteors shower their energy upon us early in November right on the tails of the Solar Eclipse -New Moon adding to the super power of the  that opens this month.  Then enter the comet!

Comet ISON!  

The November 27 Solar  Eclipse MMR session occurs during what is being called "the most DAZZLING Comet in our lifetimes" - the Comet ISON is at the peak of it's brightness on November 27-28 and is visible with the naked eye in the sky.  Brighter than even the brightest Full Moon, Comet ISON will bring HUGE Light to our Session! 

This is one awesome energy month and that is going to make for one awesome energy session on the 27th!
T he incoming Light Energy of this session will greatly "Recalibrate" our frequencies for Higher Levels of light and Consciousness to match the very high frequency energies of flowing this month.  All those in the session receive the latest channeled 7D Energy Healing Image, and it's a YUMMY one!

EXTRA BONUS!!  November is the first of two sessions that will include ADDITIONAL SPECIAL ENERGY FOCUSED FOR BLISSFUL, PEACEFUL AND EASE FILLED HOLIDAYS!*  The MMR sessions for November and December are special sessions which will also channel energy for Holiday Season Bliss, Peace, Ease, Abundance and Joy in all relationships and experience.  Imagine holidays with MORE Joy, Peace, Bliss and everyone getting along!  WOW!  What could be possible? (Since this session is the evening before Thanksgiving in the U.S. and the start of Hanukkah internationally it is timed PERFECTLY!)

November's  session will clear non-supportive energies and blocks that are in the way of you manifesting the New 5D Reality blueprint you now carry within.   Pineal activations, Higher Heart Center activations and now DNA activations are a part of the sessions.  This energy is truly Life changing!l clear non-supportive energies and blocks that are in the way of you manifesting the New 5D Reality blueprint you now carry within.   Pineal activations, Higher Heart Center activations and now DNA activations are a part of the sessions
is energy is truly Life changing; Energy changYou can register at: http://Multidimensional.MoneyReikiHealing.com
Be sure to do BOTH  steps 1 and 2,  PLUS confirm your email to be fully registered into the session.

(Ridiculous this needs to be said at all, but  apparently it does: do not register  your email without payment!)
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____

Miraculous turnarounds  from recent MMR sessions!

MMR Experience:
My husband, daughter and I have been living in an apartment for the last 2 years. The apartment leaked and had mold in it, but it was big and looked half way decent.  I had a job that did not workout for me and my family so I quit my job in December of 2012. Since I have taken part in your Multidimensional Money Reiki Sessions (4 or 5 sessions so far) my husband received a  $3.00 hour raise, we bought a beautiful home and we're in the process of moving into it, I was hired to work for Social Services in Direct Care, and my 14 year old daughter was hired to be trained as a bank teller at our local Bank! Our lives have taken a 180 degree turnaround!"    

MMR Experience:
"This has been my fourth or fifth healing session overall.  At the time of the first session I was quite depressed facing almost empty bank account and a mountain of debts to pay, and scared that in a week or a couple of weeks we might once again completely run out of money again, with nothing left to even pay for groceries.  Since I started the sessions we never ran out of mo.ney until the end of the month and the time of the next session!  Even when logically we should have run out of  mo.ney,as no incoming flows were expected, a certain amount of mon.ey suddenly appeared from an unexpected source, on several occasions actually.   By now we have paid off the most pressing debts, got caught up on past due bills and in terms of  financial worries definitely started to breathe more easily.  There is still work ahead but thanks Amy for where we are now  already, compared to where we have been just recently before the sessions!"   

MMR Experience:
"Today, I have money in my savings account -- I've gone from -0- and sometimes a negative (with monthly fees) to $1,100 in my account.  I have gone from a few dollars in my pocket to at time to carrying $100 in cash in my wallet (forgot it) and to paying bills with ease and not having to put out "fires."  I have this feeling of constant well-being that stays with me and an assurance that all is well.  I am sleeping like a baby at night.  I am not waking up to "panic" feelings and feeling of "fear" and thoughts of gloom at doom any more. 

This energy is truly Life changing; Energy changing, Well-Being changing and Wealth changing!   Receive it and see!
   (please be sure to add and confirm your email (Step 2) to be on the list for the session!)

Clear the Path to Abundance with a Life Changing
Trapped Emotional Energy Clearing!

I have space to schedule a few Clearing Sessions this month and will fill them on a first come first serve basis.   A Trapped Emotion Clearing Session is 70-75 minutes and permanently clears 7 to 9 trapped emotion energy blocks (or more!) per session (with the associated beliefs) that are holding you back in your life.  Your session includes balancing, clearing and aligning  body energies releasing physical issues.

These powerful Trapped Emotion Clearings will support you powerfully during this time of tremendous energetic shift and high frequency energy flow. The sessions generate BIG results!   Reported results include: immediate feelings of lightness, clarity and freedom, inspiration and opportunities showing up, increased ability to receive, pain relief, spontaneous healing and more.   Breakthroughs in happiness, business, career, relationships and wellbeing are also regularly reported.

A session is $133.33 and to request a session send me an email with the subject  *I Want a Clearing Session * and we'll take it from there to get you scheduled!
I was blown away by the Trapped Energy Clearing Session we had two days ago !! I felt immediately lighter, brighter and clearer and I feel so much relieved of worry !  It is just so amazing to be relieved of this BAGGAGE that I just could not understand where it came from ....and now I completely get it !!  Thank you so much!

Had the most amazing energetic healing with Amy last night. She is incredible!! We cleared out multiple generations of inherited emotions from both sides of my family. I felt them release in parts of my body that I've been holding issues or pain. Still integrating the healing but I can tell you I feel the change and my triple burners in my body are firing all cylinders, metabolism is way up, and the power surges might light a lamp lol. Huge shedding and release woowoo!! When we are ready the people and tools we need to propel us further with Sweet Spirit arrive. Thank you Amy!

Thank you for the powerful session on Thursday. I am very grateful for the 2 sessions as I feel that you have helped me to release many old emotions and experiences . It was astounding to see how some of them had come through so many generations,  sometimes on both sides. No wonder I have been anxious! I have been feeling calmer and more joyful as well since the clearing session. So thank  you for all of the help!!

Beginner Mind - No Struggle - All Comes in Divine Timing

The ability and willingness to be teachable is an important aspect of the higher Levels of Awareness.  At the Victim and Struggle Level, there is a lot of resistance to being told anything by anybody.There is a tendency to respond with "I know that" or "I read that,already!" Both of those statements are clues of defensiveness. In
addition, having read or heard a concept does not mean you are actually practicing it action on a daily basis.

Being teachable means that you must start out with a "beginner mind set" and a humble attitude. How easy is it for you to admit that you don't know something?  How often do you pretend or exaggerate what you really know? Can you be humble without feeling vulnerable?

We are all students of life. How often have you heard or read something many times and finally one day you hear it in a new and different way and finally it sinks in? We are never too old to learn. Current longevity studies show that the more we are committed to curiosity and learning, the longer we will live.

Today look at the world with beginner eyes and at the end of the day spend a few moments reflecting on what you saw and what you learned.

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

 Struggle is trying to rearrange the world so that it aligns with the way you think it should be. It is the greatest source of unhappiness in our world today. It happens when you focus on what you perceive you don't have, instead of embracing what you do have.

The need to struggle and effort to get what we want is an illusion and like all other illusions (or assumptions), by their very nature, they keep us from seeing the truth that is right before us.
We live in a time of striking contrasts. There is tremendous prosperity and at the same time there is also tremendous poverty.  Why is this so?  The reason is that we (meaning all of us on this planet) must change our paradigm and see abundance as a mindset.  Abundance is waking up to the reality that you are already the person
you yearn to become and that you already have everything you need.

The denial or more accurately the resistance to your true nature is what keeps you struggling. Abundance is about lovingly accepting WHO and WHERE you are IN THIS MOMENT. It is focusing on all that you have and not losing yourself in all that you don't have.  In the end, it is this thought that allows us to live in the Flow of unstoppable riches in every area of our lives.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

 Life is here to serve you, not put obstacles in your way. Everything you desire will show up or not show up in response to your vibration. And if something else shows itself to you that you prefer, life can give you that too. You're calling your own shots.  The key is to feel good no matter what. Tell the story the way you want it to be.

Sometimes we worry because what we want requires so much of our attention or so much is happening in our lives that it is hard to hold a stable position - but you can. Just keep telling yourself, "I am in charge here. I am in charge of my life. I am in charge of what comes. And more importantly, I am in charge of how I FEEL."

When it comes to money, the reason most people want a lot of it is because of fear (which dams up the flow). There is nothing wrong with having money, but the big mistake is asking for the security that comes from promises of others. You want your security to come through your awareness of knowing how the laws of the universe work. You know how to focus on what you desire and you know how this focus will always bring you the good things in life, including money.

Don't try to see so far down the road. Don't demand that promises be made by others to give you the security you need. This is the  thing that makes the difference between someone who can stand in an attitude of belief and trust and someone who cannot.

You have a lot of evidence in your life that supports the power of your focus. Don't try to figure it all out at once. Just feel more appreciation for what you have already and more will come to you. 

Use this affirmation every time you feel you need to know the outcome of any situation.
"I figure it out as I go. I don't need to know, I figure it out as I go".

With that affirmation, say to yourself, "The universe is yielding to me. Good things are lined up for me. All good things come to me. There is not a reason in the world for me to worry.  When I worry it is nothing more than old patterns of thought that have nothing to do with my ability to create what I desire. I have nothing to worry about. Everything comes to me at the right time in the right way. I figure it out as I go. I don't need to know, I figure it out as I go".

~Excerpts courtesy of Robert Anthony

Fr'ee on 11/11:  The Gift of Infinite Receiving!

On the very powerful date of 11/11 I will be joining host Christopher J. Carr on Your Lifestyle Evolution for a special talk.   I personally requested the date of 11/11 for my talk because of the power of this special date.   

You are invited to join me and Christopher on 11/11 at 11:50 am Pacific / 12:50 pm Mountain / 1:50 pm Central /2:50 pm Eastern /6:50 pm GMT for a FR*EE and AWESOME call!     I am so excited about this call on this powerful day, I know it will be life changing for you! 

And be sure to get on the call 10 minutes before the hour for the Evolution Circle!  (Click here for info and access)

What if you were just One Decision Away from being able to be, do, or have anything that your heart desired? What if you could reach out and almost grab abundance in any area of your choosing? What if you could create a miracle in your life in an instant?  

What if it's just a "movement" that you need to make from your "head" to your "Heart"?  Wouldn't you like to discover how to reconnect with your Heart and live a life where miracles unfold effortlessly?

On this special call with Christopher on Monday I am going to show you how to make a new choice vibrationally and allow yourself to experience all the abundance, magic and miracles that want to flow into your life.    Your Heart holds the key to the life and all you want, and I will guide you right there!  Since experience is what teaches us, together we are going to experience BEING in the space of the Heart and receiving abundantly in a delicious meditation with The Collective.  

You're definitely going to feel infinitely richer after this call when your ability to receive is activated by leaving the mind behind and grounding yourself in your Heart!  
And remember it's completely fr*ee for you! 

Click here to  register and receive all  you need to access the call on Monday 11/11.

Even if you can't make the session live, if you are registered, you will be sent access to the replay.


This powerful Telesummit is all about transforming You at the Inner Level so that you can experience a whole new level of Life Experience!
Together Let's Create an Evolution in Your Life so you can access a new level of Awakening and Experience!

I can't wait to be with you on Monday for this magical life changing call!

http://bit.ly/YourLifestyleEvolution  << To register >>

[You'll also be able to share this event with your friends and family to receive a FR'EE audio of "THE STRANGEST SECRET" which has an unbelievable message, unveiling one of the most profound "Success Secrets" to ever be released.]


Delicious Feel Good Energy VIBE BOOSTERS!

YUMMY, Delicious Vibe Booster!  Feel the GOOD Vibes!  
Get up and move your body and let the joyful energy flow through you!


Flowing with the Water Way ...

 ENJOY the AWESOME Vibe Boost!

It's Time for  QUICKIES!!


$$ Are you ready to RECEIVE what you asking for?  Align your energy with the energy of Receiving with this SUPER beautiful 25 minute guided imagery and energy healing meditationThe guided Receiving Energy Healing Meditation works quickly regardless of whether awake  or sound asleep.  http://Receiving.MoneyReikiHealing.com

$$ WooHoo MONEY is FLOWING!  Open up your Money Flow with this Amazing Money Reiki Healing Energy Meditation It aligns you with the Spiritual Energy of Money so that you are vibrating in resonance with the money you desire.  The soothing meditation also de-stresses you and releases anxiety around money and money issues.  This is a "light altered state" meditation .  http://Meditation.MoneyReikiHealing.com

$$ The Collective Guide You - One on One!   You can have your own private One-on-One session with The Collective!  Speak with these loving guides by phone or Skype for a  powerful hour long session to get guidance, Source wisdom and find out how to handle challenging situations in your life.  Have them lovingly guide you through areas you may be struggling with.  You will leave feeling inspired, with a wide open heart and truly empowered plans to put into action.  See how the sessions have helped others and receive your own session at:

$$ Erase, Re-program and Re-make Your Memories and Beliefs in a Powerful One on One Immersion Breakthrough Session    Visit  http://1on1.WealthAbundanceJoyNow.com and see if you are ready  to Breakthrough  and   Breakout into your your  greatness and turn your life on full!    Make the  journey  from "stuck" to "success"!     

FREEBIES:  Wonderful FREE Things For Your Expansion!

** VibesUP is giving you a FR.EE EMF SnapWrap!  Kaitlyn is GIFTING (FRE'E) her brand new and very powerful EMF Snap Wrap - It rebalances your WHOLE body!  In order to receive your EMF Snap Wrap for fre'e - all you need to is  watch a WONDERFUL, VERY POWERFUL, SUPER INFORMATIVE video with Kaitlyn and ME!  (yes I did this video with Kaitlyn!) You will absolutely understand how the energy within you is evolving, how it flows, how it flows in your cells and HOW we are turning into super-humans!  Details about how to get your  fre'e EMF Snap Wrap and the video are all here: 

$ [*NEW]  Healing With The Masters Season #12 is Celebrity Filled!  Jennifer has brought together some of the Biggest teachers, Brightest lights and Celebrities including Vanessa Williams, Taylor Dayne and Kenny Loggins  to guide and teach you; all for FRE.E!   I am very excited about this season of HWTM and encourage to register for FRE.E so you can pick and choose which sessions you want to listen to.  You'll receive an abundance of gifts and valuable videos when you register right HERE:  http://bit.ly/HWTM12Best            

$ [NEW]  Awaken To A Life Overflowing with Happiness Now!  Season 2 of Awaken to Happiness Now with host Shefali Burns is ON Now!  I have the honor of being one of the teachers on this wonderful Global Summit.  This telesummit will transform your experience of your life and lead you to a new level of consciousness!  Listen to 44+ Transformational teachers and experts FRE.E and experience powerful energy processes, activations, healing techniques, tools and strategies to shift your Life now.  Register Here for access to ALL:   http://bit.ly/Awaken2HappinessNow

That will do it for this issue of Energy Currents!  

Wishing you a fabulous week enjoying and benefiting from the high flying energies that are flowing. Allow them to create momentum in your life towards all things that you would like to experience.  

As Always, With Boundless Love,  Infinite Gratitude and Abundant Blessings,

P.S>  November 27-  Super Charged Solar Eclipse - ISON Comet Multidimensional Money Reiki Session channelling incoming high frequency energies amplified through the NEW Double Eclipse Portal. Also includes special "Blissful Holiday Season" energy.  Each session incredibly is observably more powerful than the last!  Set your intentions for anything  you want to manifest or experience!  Register to experience the energy on November 27 at:

P.P.S. >
Permanently Clear Generations of Resistant Emotional Energy and Blocks with
a Trapped Emotional Energy Clearing Session . The sessions are painless and effortless!
  The clearings are producing incredible and immediate results in all who experience them. Feel lighter, brighter and freer in your body and in your life.  Physically feel healthier, out of pain and energized.  Delicious!  To schedule a packed over 1-hour session, send me an email with the subject  "I Want a Clearing Session" and we will schedule  your session.   Clearing Sessions are $133.33.  A session  typically lasts 70 (or more) minutes.



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FACEBOOK Page: Wealth-Abundance-Joy NOW!