[AWESOME ABUNDANCE ALERT!] 🌚 Watery New Moon in Aquarius + Energy of Red Fire Monkey!

Published: Sun, 02/07/16

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this important New Moon - New Year Abundance Alert - this is a a very powerful day!!

Hello Radiant !

What an exciting and powerful convergence of energies we have happening!   Monday February 8 is the New Moon in Aquarius and it's the first New Moon of the Year of the Red Fire Monkey.  And to amplify that ... the Year of the Red Fire Monkey begins today on New Moon Day!

🐒 The first New Moon of Year of the Red Fire Monkey is New at  9:39am EST(US) | 6:39am PST(US) | 2:39pm UTC

This Abundance Alert has been infused with confidence, exuberance, joy, love, abundance, prosperity, stamina, enthusiasm -- tune in as you read and receive it all!

The energy of Aquarius is cleansing, and clearing the way for the change ahead.  Aquarius allows us to refocus our vision as we take a deep look within at our own truths.  With wisdom and focus we allow our true Self to flow forth.  We spring forth refreshed, renewed and emboldened by the curiosity and youthful joy of the Fire Monkey. 

This New Moon day also brings us the contrast of Aquarius the Water Bearer with the Fire of the Red Fire Monkey.  When Fire and Water meet we get steam.  Steam is deeply purifying and cleansing, revealing all.  Steam also energizes and heals. 

There is lots and lots of Uranus energy at this New Moon and start of the New Year.  Uranus energy brings us lots of change. We are reminded not to grasp and hold on too tightly to anything in our lives or the inevitable change will be painful.  Focus deeply, hold lightly and allow the Aquarian water energy to cleanse away that which no longer serves you.

After 12 months of the dignified, surefooted Goat, the Fire Monkey is going shake, rattle and roll!  The Energy of the Red Fire Monkey is exciting and will shake things up in a powerful way!  The Fire Monkey Energy will set YOU on Fire and make you Unstoppable!   The Monkey is intelligent, witty, and inventive. The Energy of the Fire Monkey is filled with the certainty associated with achievers. The nimble monkey is playful, youthful in nature, joyfully moving from adventure to adventure!  The Monkey Energy does not hesitate to think the unthinkable. In the domain of the Fire Monkey everything is possible!

🐒“…It is highly recommended to work with this New Moon in a different way than you would typically do so. Instead of focusing on intentions, calling things in and taking conscious action- perhaps you can stand in a place of opening, receptivity and fluidity– allowing the current of the New Moon to take you somewhere new of it’s own accord? ...

It’s also recommended to use the Aquarius/Uranus energy to radically shift your life from the inside out first– rather than focusing on the outside and thinking it will change the within.”  ~ Divine Harmony

http://www.allabout-energy.com/Pphotos/Moon/NewMoonicon.jpg 🐒“…Aquarius reminds you to follow the beat of your own drum. Be unique. Be original. Be who you really are…Love you more than the need for approval of others. Love your creative side. Love your weird self. Love you...

The change you want to see in the world begins with you. Change your mind. You change your life. See your challenges from a different perspective. See your trials as opportunities for growth. They build muscle and make you strong. They keep your life fresh and lively..

Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. In this way, new opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe..." ~ Astrologer Cathy Pagano

http://www.allabout-energy.com/Pphotos/Moon/NewMoonicon.jpg 🐒“Here at New Moon, go back, refine/revise and recommit to your New Year’s goals.  Saturn is trining Uranus so we have strength, perseverance and a strong vision of the long-term goal we are pursuing.  Now just add doing the work...

Mars is demanding attention by squaring the Sun and Moon and in a stressful relationship to ruling planet Uranus.  Mars is the red Warrior planet... In stressful formations like we have here, Mars irritation can come out in accidents, aggression, heated exchanges.

It’s an opportunity to tame the beast within and use this energy for initiating what you desire at a gut level." ~ Astrologer Pat Liles

New Moon Abundance Checks!


A New Moon is traditionally an opportunity for us to set and affirm our intentions for the coming month and for going within.  Lots is happening energetically around this New Moon, don't let yourself be tossed about by the intense energy.  Stay singularly focused and expand both your confidence and certainty alongside your spiritual connection.  This New Moon emphasizes connection with Source.  LISTEN for the guidance.  BE and FEEL before you act and do.  Connect through your senses and intuitive guidance and knowing with the abundance that nourishes you. 

This is a wonderful New Moon giving us lots of opportunity for some powerful intending and Abundance check writing!  Focus and intend powerfully and once you've written down your intentions and written out your check, THEN LET THEM GODon't keep focusing on them, don't dwell on or try to figure out how they will come to be.  Don't wonder when they will come into your life.  Just know that they will. 

During a New Moon we plant what we wish to 'harvest'we use our intentions as our seeds. Today we plant the seeds for the next month and the New Red Fire Monkey year..  So take your time, get clear, be bold with your intentions and plant your seeds with strong intentions for this phase of your life!
We set our  intentions powerfully by writing an Abundance check at the New Moon.   This is a  time honored tradition to bring Abundance and Good Fortune to the writer!  This New Moon Abundance check is charged up by the powerful, unstoppable Energy of the New Year of the Fire Monkey. 

This month's Abundance Check is a special opportunity to declare and intend for our first New Moon of the Fiery and Energetic Year of the Red Fire Monkey.  Choose and FEEL your intentions for this Year full of bold, confident Energy!  Be sure to FEEL and summon up the EMOTIONS of your intentions.  Pay attention to the optimal times to write your check listed below and do not write when the Moon is Void of Course.  I suggest writing your check as close to the time of the New Moon as possible.
►The most potent time to write an Abundance Check is the first 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon as long as the Moon is NOT Void of Course.   Writing within the first 48 hours still works well.   You can still write your check within 72 hours (3 days) of the New Moon, it will work, but it is significantly weaker. 
You do not want to write your Abundance Check when the Moon is Void of Course - it really makes a huge difference.   (See best times to write your check below)
This powerful Aquarius New Moon gives us about 5 hours to write our checks before going Void.  Our first opportunity to write our Abundance Checks is at the time of the New Moon, 9:39amEST / 2:39pm UTC 

The most powerful times for writing our Abundance Checks and declaring our intentions for this New Moon and New Year are below in U.S. EST (NY) time  (You MUST convert to your local time with the converter).
  U.S. Eastern time is UTC-5.
Best Times to Write Your Abundance Check for this Capricorn New Moon are below:
  • I strongly recommend writing your check as close to  the time of the New Moon on the 8th
  • All times given below are U.S. Eastern timezone (UTC -5)  Convert to your own timezone.

    http://www.allabout-energy.com/Pphotos/Moon/NewMoonicon.jpg Aquarius New Moon gives us about 5 hours to write our Abundance Checks this month close to the time of the New Moon before going Void of Course

    Below are the times EST (UTC-5) that are the absolute best check writing times for this New Moon
    🐒 Feb 08, 2016  9:39am  Moon is NEW in Aquarius!  ✎✎✎ BEST TIME to write checks 
    STOP!  Do NOT WRITE after Feb 08 2:39 pm   Moon Begins Void of Course
    🐒 Feb 09, 2016    8:31 am    Moon Enters Pisces -> WRITE! ✎✎ VERY GOOD TIME to write checks!
    STOP!  Do NOT WRITE after Feb 11  4:25 am    Moon Begins Void of Course

    🐒  Feb 11, 2016   9:54 am    Moon Enters Aries -> WRITE! ✎ OK TIME to write checks!  (weaker)
    STOP!  Do NOT WRITE after Feb 13, 2016  10:32 am Moon Begins Void of Course

    All Void of Course times above given in U.S. EST (New York time) 
    Please use timezone converter to get your local times  For  your local best times to write please convert  to your timezone ( EST = UTC -5 )   http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html/

    Allow your Emotions to charge up your intentions - feel each one. Ground yourself in the moment and in the abundance of Nature, allow yourself to feel filled up and then set your intentions and write your check during one of the optimal check writing times.   VERY IMPORTANT FOR THIS NEW MOON at the start of a brand New Year:  Connect with Source prior to writing - feel the Love build in your heart for All that is.  Be sure to send Love to yourself during the writing process and afterward.  Also send Love to the planet and to All Beings after writing your check.  (LOVE is the energy and vibration behind all creation and manifestation.)

    Write your intentions in powerful language, write or feel them from the perspective of already having achieved them.  A done deal!  You may list them in the "memo" section of the check or the back of the check or on a separate piece of paper.  Remember to add the intention to OPEN to, ALLOW and RECEIVE  your abundance over the next month.

    It really  is extremely important that you write your check when the moon is not Void of Course!   So use the times above.
 click on check image to open for printing
Two different blank Abundance Checks are available for you to print here:
Check 1:  http://www.allabout-energy.com/Pphotos/Abundance-check.jpg  
EASY  INSTRUCTIONS  HOW TO write your Abundance Check (Follow exactly for best results)

* Within 24-48 hours of the New Moon (see best times above), take a check out. (within 72 hours still works)
      Where it says "Pay to", write your name.   
 *  In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount,  write words "Paid in full."
 *  On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write words "Paid in full." [I find it works better if you do not add a line after the "Paid in Full".]
 *  Sign the check: "The Law of Abundance"
  • Do not put a date on the check.
  • Do not write a specific dollar amount in the check.
  • It's perfectly ok to draw a check on a piece of paper if you don't have a printer.  It works the same!
  • I have provided two special checks that can be used  (links are above)
  * Put it in a safe place and forget about it.  Just hide it away and let it be. Then relax and enjoy welcoming in the abundance!

It is ok to write your intentions on the back of the check or in the memo section, but not elsewhere on the check.


with Divine Love
and Unstoppable Monkey Energy!

Super charge your Abundance and Receiving with a special FIRST Multidimensional Money Reiki (MMR) session of the New Year of the Red Fire Monkey.

February is the month of Love  --- Love as the force behind all creation. Love is the only Energy that exists, all Energy comes back to Love.  It is the Energy behind all other Energies. It is Consciousness, Life itself..  Love is the Energy of True Creation.  Life Force = Love Force.  Universal Laws  (Attraction, Momentum, Gravity) are just other expressions of Love Force.

February begins the Year of the Red Fire Monkey on Monday!   After 12 months of the dignified, surefooted Goat, the Fire Monkey is going shake, rattle and roll!  The Energy of the Red Fire Monkey is exciting and will shake things up in a powerful way! 

The February MMR will fill you with the Fire Monkey Energy to set YOU on Fire and make you Unstoppable!   The Monkey is intelligent, witty, and inventive. The Energy of the Fire Monkey is filled with the certainty associated with achievers. The nimble monkey is playful, youthful in nature, joyfully moving from adventure to adventure!  The Monkey Energy does not hesitate to think the unthinkable. In the domain of the Fire Monkey everything is possible!

The organ of the Fire Monkey is the Heart! The center that amplifies the Divine Love Energy is the Heart!  February's MMR will be a totally heart focused and centered MMR session transmitting the most powerful frequencies of Love and pure Possibility (the Fire Monkey)

Feb 26 MMR will amplify and transmit both the POWERFUL, Unstoppable Energy of the Red Fire Monkey and the Energy of Divine Love.   The energy that was flowing around this MMR on the page is phenomenal!  You can feel that energy if you go to the page!

The February 26th MMR will attune you to and activate the brand new frequencies along with 6 powerful key activations (Pineal, Pituitary, Higher Heart, Cellular, Spiritual DNA, Light Code activations)

Register into the February MMR and receive a BONUS Booster Energy session.
Additional Special Tools to Enhance Receiving of 2016 New Moon Intentions

http://www.allabout-energy.com/Arrows-Buttons-More/bullet-checkmark-01.jpg The Receiving Energy Alignment Meditation - Open up the energy of Infinite Receiving and receive a constant flow of money, opportunities, people and gifts coming to you!   This amazing 25 minute guided visualization and energy meditation opens up your "Receiving door".   The easy to follow beautiful guided imagery meditation is fully channeled and is spoken by The Collective, who are nonphysical Source Consciousness.  This is a "light altered state" meditation.  Invite a mountain of money to slide gently into your open arms:    http://Receiving.MoneyReikiHealing.com

http://www.allabout-energy.com/Arrows-Buttons-More/bullet-checkmark-01.jpg The NEW Golden Bliss Meditation -  The energy of this unique Meditation beautifully enhances the power of this Libra New Moon.  Perfect for supporting the assimilation of very high frequency energies, it soothes, balances and puts you in a uniquely receptive space to powerfully charge up your New Moon intending.  The Golden Bliss Meditation immerses you in so much delicious Golden Energy that besides elevating your frequency, soothing and balancing your energy, it also fills you with the vibration of overflowing prosperity, abundance and well being!  Perfect to support your New Moon Abundance intentions!   It's gorgeous, and feels amazing to use..    http://j.mp/IntoTheGoldenBliss

http://www.allabout-energy.com/Arrows-Buttons-More/bullet-checkmark-01.jpg The Divine Love Energy Meditation - Be guided to experience the feeling of deep love (for self or other) for activating and  intending with this New Moon energy.  You'll be guided beautifully into the experience and vibrational frequency of Divine Love Energy with this beautiful guided meditation.  Come into the energy that is everything, including what you are — LOVE.     http://www.thecallofyourbeing.com/love-energy-meditation.html

Please save this email for all the check writing times and the Abundance checks where you can easily find them!  Plan to write your abundance check as close to the New Moon time as possible on the 8th.

Remember as you read this Alert you have received loving and powerful energy of confidence, exuberance, joy, love, abundance, prosperity, stamina, enthusiasm!

Wishing you a magnificent, powerful, abundant and amazing New Moon Day!  I wish you Happy New Year of the Red Fire Monkey and powerful Abundance Check writing! 

With AWESOME Moon Beams of Love and Appreciation,

P.S  On a Special live call on January 3, The Collective shared  "What Lies Ahead in 2016" and about the energy of this very special year. Download the recording now free:  j.mp/WhatLiesAhead2016
P.P.S   The start of a brand New Year is one of the most  powerful times to permanently clear out energy blocks and trapped  emotional energy with a Trapped Emotion Energy Clearing Session.  As one year wraps up and another begins it is a great time for CLEARING OUT and releasing emotional energy blocks so you can clearly create your new 'story' and truth in the New Year.  (so powerful to do!)   I can only fit so many sessions in, so please book as soon as you can.

The clearings produce incredible and immediate results in those who experience them!  They clear out generations of Trapped Emotional Energy so you'll feel lighter, brighter and freer in your body and in your life!  Physically feel healthier, out of pain and energized.  Truly priceless, these sessions will allow you operate with more command in your life, attract positive manifestation to yourself and shift major areas of your life and see results where before you were stuck.
Visit the page for the Trapped Emotion Energy Clearing Sessions to  schedule a session at:
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