Non 12 Step News For Aug 26, 2012

Published: Sun, 08/26/12

Non 12 Step News        August 26, 2012        888-541-6350 

Dear ,
Shredding the Meager Remains of a Lifetime
                                                      Mary Ellen Barnes


On Tuesday we sat and watched as the giant shredder machine chewed up the remains of my brother's life. A life that ended too soon from cancer but in reality ended years ago with drugs.
There wasn't all that much to shred at the end.
It's going to happen to us all, of course, but those of us who abuse alcohol or drugs are getting a jump start on it because there will be so much less to shred at the end. 
You know why?
Because we never did much of anything, we only thought about it.
We made amazing plans in our heads, but never quite got around to executing those plans.
We sat and drank and got a good buzz going and that passed for friendship and socializing and doing stuff.
Great thoughts passed for accomplishments.
Miserable marriages passed for intimate relationships. 
And then it is over and our families shred our personal papers - the remains of our lives -  and there is damn little to show for it.


So we watched, and wept a bit, and wished he had chosen differently.
But he didn't and there won't be any more time, or new choices, or different outcomes for him.
And for you?   


Toll Free From Across the U.S. or Canada: 888-541-6350
Internationally or in the Los Angeles Area: 310-541-6350

What does our AA Alternative Treatment, or Non 12 Step Recovery, Program actually consist of?
If you visit the websites of most treatment providers you'll see that they mainly sell location, luxury, and magic. There's never any detail about what their actual programs consists of.
Since their "program" usually amounts to little more than charging you to attend AA meetings, and the only outcome is to label you an "alcoholic in recovery (forever)," there's good reason to avoid mentioning that.
We, on the other hand, are happy to describe what our work with you will look like.
First, our work with you is all individual - no groups! Yes, we also work with couples, and occasionally families, but you will not see anyone else, nor they you. Confidentiality, as well as focus, is assured. It really is about you.
Second, our 5 Day format means you don't have to rat yourself out by disappearing for 30, 60, or 90 days.
Third, we do an actual assessment and you will not end up with an "alcoholic" label that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Fourth, we introduce you to real skills including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Assertiveness Training, Motivational Enhancement, Diet and Exercise Options, Social and Recreational Considerations, Naltrexone and other Medical Support, and Couples Counseling where appropriate.
Fifth, we provide personal follow-up: scheduled sessions with us and access to us as needed for at least 12 weeks.
Sixth, you work with us, not para-professionals whose only training is in how to initiate you into the AA cult, or worse.
That's right, help rooted in what works -- not in mythical "higher powers," the magic of the palms or the vortex or the ocean breezes -- and success rates up to ten times higher than any other program in the U.S. or Canada.
And all at one half to one tenth the cost.
Plus you can accomplish this in whatever degree of comfort you want, from the Best Western to the Portofino to Terranea Resort, and with sufficient time to maintain your professional obligations and reputation.
Unlike everyone else, we recognize that you are a competent adult, fully capable of acting in your own best self-interest, and we treat you as such. You will not be demeaned, or disrespected in any way, shape, or form. Another promise that no other program can, or will, make and keep.
Ready to start the conversation that may lead to your full recovery? We're here and ready to talk, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. every day of the year.
And, yes, that's another difference. You will always talk to one of us, the same professionals you will be working with.

Toll Free From Across the U.S. or Canada: 888-541-6350

Internationally or in the Los Angeles Area: 310-541-6350





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