Capitalism Versus Free Enterprise: Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 02/03/11

Email #8
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Capitalism Versus Free Enterprise
During the Cold War it became common to use the ideals of free enterprise, capitalism and democracy almost interchangeably.
One side of the war was capitalism/democracy and the other side was everything non-capitalistic and non-democratic.
The differences between capitalism and free enterprise were often lost in this environment. Furthermore, the phrase "free enterprise" was mostly replaced by the concept of "free markets" in the American usage.
These changes led to a loss of freedom as Americans lost sight of the principles of economic freedom hidden behind these differing phrases.
Where free marketism believes in the unfettered power of leaving everything to the markets, capitalism approaches the economy by creating special benefits for big capital. Neither are socialistic or communistic, it is true, but neither are the economic ideal encouraged by the American founders.
Free enterprise, in contrast to both capitalism and free marketism:
  • holds that the role of government in the economy is to protect equal rights for all
  • it does not attempt to create equal financial results for all like socialism and communism
  • it does not leave everything (including inalienable rights) to the market like free marketism
  • and it does not give special economic benefits to certain groups with more capital like capitalism.
For example, in capitalistic nations like the modern United States, the legal and commercial codes don't allow people of lower incomes to invest in high-return investments. A person must have a certain net worth to even receive a prospectus for high-end investments.
This is promoted in the name of protecting unsophisticated investors, but it is capitalism pure and simple.
Another example: At a city council meeting or local zoning meeting a small family company seeks zoning waivers or permission to expand their business by purchasing a building in a residential area and turning it into a business. In the same meeting a major company, say Walmart or Home Depot, seeks zoning changes or waivers to build their store.
In a free enterprise system, these two groups would be treated the same. In a capitalistic society, the family business meets opposition (after all, they only employ 2 people) while the Walmart team leaves with zoning waivers, special tax breaks and promises of additional help if they locate in this town (after all, they will employ many hundreds and drastically improve the tax base and property values).
In a free enterprise system, both groups would be treated equally. And all investors would have the same options. In free enterprise systems, everyone has the opportunity to live the American dream.
In free market and capitalistic systems, the rich get richer and the middle class gets increasingly into debt. In socialistic and communistic societies, the middle class becomes a huge lower class.
The free enterprise system is the basis of freedom. It is time for America to return to free enterprise.
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