4-pg. PROFILE: Agnosticism - Do they Really Not Know???

Published: Wed, 10/18/17

Good afternoon ,
    Here is your copy of our latest Profile on Agnosticism. Unlike atheists who say there is no God, agnostics say they are unsure if God exists (from the Greek a “no” and gnosis, “knowledge”). Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that many agnostics seem to live their lives as if they are absolutely certain that there is no God. Do you know anyone like this? If so, you may find this latest 4-page Profile to be helpful.Free 4-page Profile: Agnosticism
Darwin's Bulldog

    Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) first coined the term “agnostic” in 1869. He was known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his tenacious defense of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.1 Over the years, however, the meaning of the word "agnostic" has taken on additional implications. Many agnostics contend that not only do they not know if there is a God but that no one is able to know with certainty if God exists.

    It is somewhat easier to defend agnosticism than harder forms of atheism because it is impossible, logically, to "prove" a negative. To know for certainty there is no God, one would have to possess all knowledge. If atheists are not all-knowing, it is at least theoretically possible that God does exist outside of their sphere of knowledge or experience. Even today's most notorious atheist, Richard Dawkins, prefers to say, "There probably is no God" rather than "There is no God."
2 If one is less than 100% certain there is no God, that technically sounds more like agnosticism than atheism. It would seem they are not closing the door to the possibility of God. They just lack sufficient evidence for God.
Is Agnosticism Merely a Lack of Evidence?

    The Bible, however, makes a case that God is revealing Himself. He is revealing both His goodness and righteousness as well as His wrath and anger at sin because sin destroys people. Through the creation of the world, He reveals enough essential truth about Himself -- His eternal power and Godhead -- so that we are responsible and "are without excuse" (Romans 1:16-20).
Are You an Open-minded Agnostic?

    Here is a great question to ask an agnostic: "Would you consider yourself to be an open-minded agnostic or a close-minded agnostic? By that I mean, "If God did exist, would you rather know that He was there or would you prefer not to know? Some agnostics will answer, "If God exists, No!, I don't want to know about it!" I would suggest that person may be a close-minded agnostic.

    Most agnostics, however, pride themselves as being open-minded. The majority of agnostics I have talked with have said that if there is a God, then yes, they would want to know He is there. For such open-minded agnostics, I have encouraged them to try and make contact with God. Perhaps they would consider at some point reaching out to God and saying something like, "God if You are there, would you reveal yourself to me." What would it hurt? Even if it is highly improbable that God exists, it would be worth every effort to know. Eternity stands in the balance!

    I believe that a loving, omniscient, omnipotent God, is more than able to reveal Himself to any agnostic who is truly open-minded. This discussion can easily lead into a great gospel conversation with our agnostic friends. For more help on understanding agnostics, please read your copy of our latest Profile:

    Just click here to claim your FREE 4-page Profile on Agnosticism: www.watchman.org/agnostic

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    If you believe in our ministry of defending the Christian faith through apologetics, evangelism and missions, please consider a tax-deductible donation at this time. We are an evangelical Christian ministry focusing on reaching people of other faiths and religions with the true gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ. On behalf of our staff and our families, thank you so much for encouraging us through your continued prayers and support!

Yours in Christ,

Click here for James Walker Bio
James K. Walker, President
Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
PO Box 310
Arlington, TX 76004 USA

[email protected]
817-277-0023 ext. 101

“Huxley: Darwin's Bulldog,” WGBH Educational Foundation and Clear Blue Sky Productions, Inc. Presented on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) by WGBH Boston, 2001 –  https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/02/2/l_022_09.html
2 Hemant Hehta, Editor, The Friendly Atheist, “There is (Probably?) No God,” December, 31, 2009 –  http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2009/12/31/there-is-probably-no-god/

About Watchman Fellowship: We are an evangelical Christian discernment ministry founded in 1979 focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult, New Age spirituality, and world religions.  We provide apologetics (a defense of the Christian faith) and evangelism (sharing the Christian gospel of Grace) to people of other faiths. We also equip tens of thousands of Christians each year to understand and reach people of other religions with the truth gospel. Watchman Fellowship, Inc. is a 501 c-3 nonprofit organization.  Donations are tax-deductible in the United States: IRS Tax ID number 58-1363278. For more information, see: http://www.watchman.org.