tissue regeneration update

Published: Wed, 09/24/14


Hope you've had a good equinox and are getting a good start to your autumn season. For us here in Oregon that means some of our first rain - but we get used to that here ;~).

Last week I went to the annual seminar about the tissue regeneration technology in California.

While I have a bunch of audio and video that is being edited now here's a quick overview of the new formulas which are just now available:


The studying and research that I've continued on lipids (fats) and their importance in longevity and anti-aging has come full circle!

Recently I stumbled onto some studies that bring this right back to Hyaluronic Acid and it's a huge lightbulb.

It's worth a video so you'll be seeing that from me soon. This relates to anti-oxidants which, while sold almost as a health panacea have been scientifically proven to NOT
extend lifespan!

So you shouldn't spend money on anti-oxidants thinking they will make you live longer. This doesn't mean they don't do anything it's just not going to make you live longer...

So this video was just posted:


That's about it for now - wishing you an awesome rest of your week!

Best of Health,



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This helpdesk will be moving and revamped very soon.
Thanks in advance for bearing with us during this time.