film recommendation & new rife report posted

Published: Thu, 10/16/14


At the end of this message you'll see a bit of a film review - it's a "must see" if you are still confused about genetically modified foods...

A few months ago you may have noticed a video I posted about the Four Types of Modern Rife Machines.

A ton of good feedback came in for this so I wrote a report on the same subject.

Some folks like to watch videos but you might prefer reading a report, or having the report to go over after watching the video so you don't have to take notes while watching.

So check out the video here where you can also grab the report:

That's most of what I wanted to share today.

Hope you've had an awesome week so far!

The season is really changing here in Oregon. The rain is sure starting to fall!

Until next time...

Best of Health,


BTW - I saw a great movie the other night which you might want to check out. It's called "GMO OMG".

Maybe it's because I live in Eugene Oregon I didn't really learn much new info on how bad GMOs are for you but it was a well made film and quite entertaining.

The reason I mention this is that here in Oregon we have a vote on GMO Labeling coming in November and we all are hoping that Oregon will be one of the states that makes a point of putting a stop to the ludicrous antics of Monsanto.

GMO products are making children sick (animals too). Older people are less susceptible to the metabolic issues associated with GMOs so our effects will take longer.

This is a really important issue where we all need to really stand up. In Europe and many other areas GMOs are already labeled. It's crazy they aren't here. Personally I feel it's like getting away with murder.

So check out GMO OMG the documentary. It should be on Netflicks...

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