video fixed! (and explained ;-)

Published: Thu, 07/25/13


Yesterday I sent out a rather strange email - strange
because the link didn't really relate to the topic of
the email and this clearly caused a bit of confusion.

Much apologies if you were confused.

The video page was also a bit mishapen ;-)

I tried to be clear about it but since I've had so many
questions about this you might be curious what the video
was about.

Here's the video I'm talking about:

Doesn't life sometimes throw you a lot at once?

These are the kind of weeks I've been having lately.
So much to report on. The so called "Smart Meter" issue
is one which is on my radar lately for sure. And I'll
report on it when there's news because this is the kind
of thing that WILL affect your life even though you
can't see it!

Well this recent video is another one of those.

Because as the financial system around us crumbles
if you have your ducks in a row you Still Can prosper.

Frankly this is what's allowed me to persue that
healing sessions that I've needed for my recent
injury. Had I not invested wisely I'd be in a dire
situation right now.

In this video I tell you a bit about where I've
learned the investment strategies that I've used
to help keep me above water in difficult times:

Hopefully understanding some of this can help you
thrive also and help you cover any of the necessary
expenses that come up in your healing process.

At this point I'm still working on editing the recent
"Smart Meter" presentations which I mentioned in that
last email. As soon as they are posted I'll let you
know where you can watch and bookmark them so you too
can share this very important information.

Enjoy your Friday and this weekend.

Best of Health & Wealth,


Here's that video link again:

If you want to contact me this is
my online support department