something to brighten up your black friday

Published: Fri, 11/28/14


As we wind down our Thanksgiving time here in the states it becomes clear that the more we can hold ourselves in a state of gratitude the more things continue to evolve in positive directions.

Wishing that for you now...

If you are in a rush and want to go straight to the Black Friday special - here it is short: I use and love all of these!

Now here's to going out on a limb sometimes. Sometimes it's important to go against the grain - and the type of information I've been sharing lately on healthy eating regarding fats and oils is pretty much the opposite of what you'll hear from a lot of other sources.

Eventually the mass of nutrition experts who don't see this yet will get it - but right now there's a billion dollar industry that doesn't want you to understand it..

Clinical studies are stacking up plus an understanding of physiology and modern anti-aging science proves this industry is flat out wrong.

Here is a short video about this:

In the video you'll see why having any essential fatty acids will be better than none for short term benefit but it's the long terms side effects of not having the ideal  ratio of  fats that has long term consequences!

Again the video is right here:
Or if you want to go directly to the Black Friday Special without my video ;-)
then you can go right here:

Wishing you a bright friday not a black one!

Best of Health,


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