Cryptocurrencies - Astrology - Prediction for February 12!

Published: Wed, 02/07/18

Dear ,

On January 25, 2018 I have sent out a special Appendix to the 2018 Annual Forecast.
In this Appendix, I have explained how to profit with the first two dates of the Annual Forecast and more importantly with the third one - January 26, 2018. In this Appendix I have explicitly said that all stock indices in the world that close higher on January 26 and lower on January 29 should be sold. For the S&P 500 and Dax I have spelled this out, writing that the "SHORT SHOULD NOT BE MISSED". Both Dax and S&P 500 have closed higher on January 26 and lower on January 29. This CONFIRMATION from market (the market is always right) provided the confirmation for the astrological prediction of the January 26 GLOBAL TURN DATE. 
S&P 500 has closed at 2853 on January 29 and Dax at 13324 and Dow at 26439. Since then S&P 500 futures have crashed 300 points, Dax has crashed almost 1000 points and Dow has crashed 2000 points. Only Rosecast Annual Forecast has predicted this important financial markets turn date (was also a low in USDJPY) to the exact day. Good things is that although 3 of the predicted turn dates have passed, each making profits for readers as shown in the 7 pages - APPENDIX that is sent for FREE with every order of the 2018 Annual Forecast - 20 dates are still to come. These dates have been selected with the knowledge of WD Gann's most secret discovery - a Time Factor - that he discovered on August 8, 1908. This time factor was the main reason why we know that January 26 would be one of the most important turn dates in 2018 and hence I have sent out the Appendix on January 25 - to inform ahead of time. Order the 2018 Rosecast Annual Forecast now - and receive the APPENDIX for free with the detailed warning for January 26!

In case you have not noticed - there are a important similarities between ASTROLOGY and CRYPTOCURRENCIES

1) Good Crypto-Currencies are DECENTRALIZED and so is GOOD ASTROLOGY. Our Rosecast Software MOVING STARS is the only astrology software in the world that is DECENTRALIZED.
What is the difference between CENTRALIZED and DECENTRALIZED astrology software ?
Well, easy: In CENTRALIZED astrology software you have to put in a location - a town, country, city or center - in order to be allowed to cast a horoscope. If you fail to put in a center, you are not able to cast a horoscope - it is software design - quite bad -if you ask me - but very common.
In Moving Stars you can cast a horoscope immediately without putting in any location. How is that possible?  Planetary position including the position of the Moon are always measured from the middle of the Earth - as all professional astrologers SHOULD know. Therefore true astrology is really DECENTRALIZED and VALID for all PLACES in the world at the same time. That is one reason why financial astrology works. 
2) You cannot touch Cryptos - they are IN THE AIR. Crypto-currencies are created OUT OF AIR, they exist IN THEY AIR - which is one reason why sometimes they get lost - yet they are very powerful - and you can even buy a house with them. The same is true for astrology. Astrology is in the Air, you cannot touch it, yes astrology exists and it is very powerful. Although astrology might not buy a house for you, it can help you to choose a house that you are happy in - which is more important than just buying a house.
3) Both astrology and Crypto-currencies are ruled by the element AIR - the element AIR is one of the Four Elements: EARTH, WATER, FIRE and AIR. 
A major representative of the AIR element is the planet URANUS, therefore we can say that Cryptos and astrology are both ruled or represented by URANUS. In an earlier Rosecast freeletter, I have said that Uranus rules over volatility. Well, now you know why crypto-currencies are so volatile.It is Uranus.
But there is something else. Since both astrology and crypto-currencies are ruled by Uranus - they will both reinforce each other. Since Crypto-currencies have no intrinsic value, ASTROLOGY is the only SCIENTIFIC THEORY that can explain why Crypto-currencies move so tremendously from one day to the next day.
For example: Bitcoin traded at 10400 at the time of the Lunar Eclipse on January 31st.
It hit a low below 6000 yesterday and was trading at 8400 earlier today. This is a move of 40% in one day. That is just how Uranus wants it - and Uranus also wants to bring astrology to the forefront.
That is why I have decided to help Uranus and I will make a free prediction here for cryptos. So, the question that everybody is asking right now is this. Have we seen the bottoms with 6000 in Bitcoin, 600 in Ether and 760 in Bitcoin Cash, or is there more to come? Should we buy now or should we wait for even lower prices ?
So here my prediction: Bitcoin, BCH and ETH will rise today. But on February 8, they will start falling. February 12 will be a strong down-day (all coins will lose more than 10% in value) and buy February 14 at the latest, we will see significant lower prices. So, do not invest in cryptos before February 14 as further declines are IN THE AIR.

With heavenly regards,

Mark Rose
PS: Just as you can use Bitcoin for good things and stupid things, so it is with astrology. Bitcoin by itself is neither smart, dumb or evil and so it is with astrology. Humans that use astrology can sometimes be wrong in interpretations, particularly when it comes to an emotional topic like the financial markets. But that should not diminish the value of astrology - there are not many people that have predicted January 26 as a very important turn date - three weeks ago - and shown a method of how to profit with it.
I will soon release a free App for Android that is decentralized and allows you to check all important planetary positions - the essence of astrology - on your phone - everyday.