Practicing Prosperity Postcard: For recovering "All or Nothing-ers"...

Published: Mon, 01/22/18

Practicing Prosperity Postcard from Teresa Romain
A Practicing Prosperity Postcard
from Teresa Romain

January  22, 2018

Hey there !  

I had a conversation with a woman at my workshop on Saturday.  Like so many of my clients, she gets caught in the "All or Nothing" pattern in all sorts of ways in her life.  She'll do "nothing" for a long period of time, then work her butt of to do it "all".  She exhausts herself in the process and so does "nothing" again.  This is the start-the-stop, feast-then-famine nature of this pattern. 

I shared with here that recovering from the "All or Nothing" pattern takes two types of discipline.  First, it takes the discipline of STARTING. This is easier when you make the action you are going to take small and/or short - setting a timer at the end of 5-15 minutes really helps.

The second discipline is that of STOPPING.  Once you've taken that step (or the timer) goes off, it's important that you stop - even if you don't feel like it and want to keep going.  Stop and acknowledge yourself for what you did - including stopping when you said you would.  That helps you build trust with yourself.

Then, after you've stopped and done something else for even a few minutes, if you want to do more, then repeat the entire process.   You'll be AMAZED at how much you accomplish - with EASE - doing "something" at a time in this manner.

Give it a try this week, - and let me know what happens for you or any questions that come up!

Have a great week!
With MUCH gratitude~


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