7 Valentine's Assumptions You Should NEVER Make

Published: Sun, 02/13/11

Love, Marriage and Relationships         February  2011
Topics This Month
** What's New
** Tip of the Day
** Article: 7 Valentine's Assumptions You Should NEVER Make
** Salad Recipe: Passion Salad

What's New
** We hope you were able to catch the Doctors over the last month on stations in Austin, TX, Ottumwa, IA, Columbia, SC, Knoxville, TN, Louisville, KY, Des Moines, IA, Temple-Kileen, TX, Albuquerque, NM, Detroit, MI, and the Virgin Islands, to name a few.  A number of these shows are also sydicated to major markets throughout the USA.  If you missed their interviews, you can catch them at their Media Clips.

** Join the conversation on the Doctors' blogs Love and Marriage Experts for PsychologyToday.com and National Marriage Advice Examiners for Examiner.com and the Official Guides to Marriage for SelfGrowth.com.

**Don't forget to get your copy of Building A Love That Lasts, the Doctors' newest book.  It is available on Amazon.com and wherever books are sold. This multiple award-winning book will help your marriage become a truly great marriage.

Tip of the Day: To love, to be loved, and to give the gift of time is the best Valentine's Day gift you can give to the one you love.

Article:  7 Valentine's Assumptions You Should NEVER Make

1. Do not assume that a year of neglectful love can be made up by a dozen roses on Valentine's Day.


2. Do not assume that a dinner out on Valentine's Day makes up for a year of missed dinners because of work commitments.


3. Do not assume that material gifts on Valentine's Day are more important than receiving the gift of time from the one you love.


4. Do not assume that gifts of diamonds, gold and other material things are more important than a love letter to the one you love.


5. Do not assume that a store-bought Valentine's Card has more meaning than one you create yourself.


6. Do not assume that listening to a love song on the radio or on a CD has more meaning to the one you love than you actually singing a love song to them on Valentine's Day.


7. Do not assume that there is anything in the world that matters more to the one you love than your undying expressions of love for them.


You see, simple things matter in love and marriage, and on Valentine's Day!  Never underestimate the power and importance of simple acts of kindness, simple expressions of love, and the value of the gift of your personal time.


In the end, never assume anything in your relationship with the one you love.  Your actions speak so much louder than your assumptions.


On this Valentine's Day, give the one you love the gift of time.  Give them the gift of you.  You will never regret it.

For more Valentine's ideas:  The Valentine's Day Gift of Time

Salad Recipe:  Passion Salad
A happily married couple we interviewed in Florida while they were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary, shared with us their favorite Valentine's Day salad. This Passion Salad will add a nice red touch to your romantic Valentine's Day dinner.

To make 2 salads make a small bed of baby Arugula for each salad and then arrange half of the following fresh ingredients on the top of each salad:

1/2 cup of pickled beets diced into 1/4" cubes
2/3 cup of Granny apples diced into 1/4" cubes
2 TBS goat cheese crumbed onto the top of the salads
4 pecans cut into quarters

Drizzle lightly with Balsamic Vinaigrette salad dressing
  About the Doctors

America's #1
Love and Marriage Experts

Dr. Charles D. Schmitz
Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz

Authors of
Building A Love That Lasts
Best Relationship Book
INDIE Book Awards
Gold Medal Winner
Mom's Choice Awards
Gold Medal Winner
Nautilus Book Awards Winner

As renowned love and marriage experts and award-winning authors, Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz help audiences around the world answer questions about love, marriage and relationships.  Their distinguished careers include over 65 awards, 350 books, articles and manuscripts, 1000 speeches, and frequent media appearances. With 29 years of research on relationships and successful marriage on six continents of the world and their own 44-year marriage, the Doctors know what makes relationships work. 
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A Love
That Lasts
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