How to Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety

Published: Sun, 10/21/12


My friend , Sean Cooper is an expert on supporting people to
overcome shyness and social anxiety. He teaches that the three main
areas to focus on are your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
Attacking your social anxiety from these three areas at the same
time will have a compounding effect on the results you get.

One way to lower your anxious thoughts is to accept them. It sound
like a contradiction, but it isn't. Once you fully accept yourself,
even down to your anxious thoughts, then you'll feel a lot less
inferior to others. If you have thoughts or feelings of inadequacy
or inferiority often, then it usually just comes down to accepting
yourself and then working towards a better future at the same time.

Also try thinking a lot less. Most socially anxious people think
way too much, which makes them stuck inside their head. If you can
slow down your anxious thoughts by switching your focus to the
people around you, then you should be able to think a lot less,
which will make you less anxious.

If you have social anxiety, then it's normal to feel lonely, sad
and depressed. Unfortunately, these are the exact types of emotions
that will drive off potential friendships or relationships. People
don't like to be around people who are sad and depressed all the
time. Instead, you want to be fun and happy a good deal of the
time. How do you do this? Try smiling. The simple act of smiling
actually releases chemicals in your brain that start to make you
feel happy automatically. Just try it for yourself. How much
different do you feel when you are slouched over and looking bored
versus sitting up straight with a huge smile on your face?

To overcome social anxiety, face your fears directly. It may sound
like impractical advice if you are very socially anxious. In that
case, you need to start with small fears and build your way up. Try
to make and hold eye contact with three people today and then move
on to bigger fears.

To learn more about how to breakthrough your shyness and overcome
social anxiety, visit

To Your Best Life,


Dr. Joe Rubino
Your Life Optimization Coach