January 2019 Astrology & Happy New Year

Published: Mon, 12/31/18

As we enter this New Year I want to thank-you for being subscribers to the monthly astrology newsletter. Some friends have had great losses in 2018, others great joys have come their way. Whatever spectrum 2018 was for you I wish you a Happy Healthy New Year ahead. Part of the message for this year is about preparing for turbulent times ahead (2020). Finding your source, the inner source that is your foundation will help thrive through whatever the astrological weather. 

We have tremendous support from the universe this January 2019 to help us with our hopes, desires, and purpose. It is truly a time to leave the past in the past and embrace a fresh start.

The month will bring us two eclipses, Uranus direct in late Aries as well as the direct motion of the other planets, and four planets in their rulership, which allows for the areas of life that they rule to manifest more quickly into our world. These four planets are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are in rulership, governing self-assertion and physical activity, travel and education, career and accomplishment, and mystic revelations along with music, film and art forms.

January first Mars moves into the sign of Aries. Mars recently began a new cycle with Chiron in Pisces, demanding we heal hurts and wounds that we have suffered over. Some of the healing could be around love and relationship issues, other healing could be ancestral wounds or negative programming about deserving, or chronic sadness around situations that you were born into that you had no control over.

Mars in Aries is the trigger to take action, the fast start to get the momentum going on whatever is important to you. Mars is in its rulership, meaning it is very strong and brings results.

The solar eclipse on January 5th at 8:28 pm EST in Capricorn is another powerful momentum vibration that is nudging us mere mortals to get to the core of our own unique purpose and find the means to express our gifts in tangible ways with the time we have in the earth body. This solar eclipse new moon is positioned between Saturn and Pluto, hence the urgency to express our passion (Pluto) in form (Saturn).

The 6th of January Uranus moves direct in Aries. At this time all the planets will now be in forward motion. This is a fortunate time to forge ahead with your intentions without too many obstacles or delays.

Venus moves into Sagittarius leaving behind her long retrograde journey she had in Scorpio. Give room to roam as Venus in Sag, like Jupiter in Sag does not want to be stifled or stuck doing the same thing over and over.

The 23rd of January brings a super full moon Lunar eclipse in Leo.

The Leo Lunar Eclipse is all about love. Love of self, love to others, love for the earth, love to all creatures. It is a cosmic shower of unconditional love. Venus will be conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius trine Mars. There is freedom to love with this combination. The letting go of the past and hope for the future is what this combo brings. With the sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo spending time with friends that accept you  as you are will be fun and rewarding.

The energy of the full moon will carry through the rest of the month and be rekindled on the 24th when Mercury enters Aquarius. The weekend of the 25th – 27th brings together great conversation with easy going friends.

With Light and Love, 