The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 04/10/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 20

Pain is a great teacher but a poor friend. I prefer a good freind. It's time for recess, you know, when class is out!

 In This Issue...
The Nature of Youth Lives in Us
Make Every Day a Holiday - Happy Surrender Day
EZ Teleseminar Schedule

 Anne Sermons Gillis
The Nature of Youth Lives in Us
The nature of youth lives in us. We are neither our bodies nor our attitudes.  Our attitudes are only the filters through which we view reality.  It's easy to experience the ageless nature of consciousness, but sometimes we become so identified with the body, thinking we are our bodies, that we fix our beliefs, activities and opinions into a stone-like mindset and resign ourselves to a narrow limited life. Blessed be the youth makers for they shall see the kingdom of heaven. Well, maybe that wasn't one of the original blessings, but it should have been.
Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the youth-worshiping attitude we have in the west, I'm speaking to the flexible inquisitive nature of youth. Can we be curious, live in the not knowing and be spontaneous? Can we operate more from openness than from protectiveness?
The youthful mind is not in the distant future, it is in the present. Right now. Open up your present and see what you find? Surprise, it's life.  It's right here right now and it has no mind traps, no concepts,  no dead end roads. Doing something different doesn't prove that we are free from our traps, but if you take a different road or shop at an unfamiliar grocery store just to experience something different, you might change the filter a little. So I'm daring you to do something a little different today. Just do it. Be like a kid - unpredictable. Tap into that youthful nature and let me know what you did and how it turned out. And just for the record. I love you.
Happy Surrender Day
How do I surrender? Everyone wants to let go, but how do you do that? Here's a process to help you let go and to have an easier day.

The EZ U Process
Get out of the School of Hard Knocks!
Step 1: I admit that today, in this moment, my life is a struggle
Step 2: I am willing to consider the possibility that my life can be easier.

Step 3: I dedicate my mind and heart to discovering an easier way to perceive and create my life.

Step 4: I am willing to be aware of any conscious or hidden need to suffer or struggle.

Step 5: Anything other than ease is fear.

Step 6: I release my need to control and fix this situation
Step 7: I relax my body and become aware of my body's needs, then attend to them.

Step 8: I face my emotions.

Step 9: I surrender my situation, problem or feeling to GUS (God/Universe/Spirit). Imagine yourself looking at a vast star-filled sky. Take your mind off the situation and go to this image of expansion. Lose yourself - just for a moment - in the grandeur of the universe. (Use any image that works for you such as a blue cloud-filled sky or the ocean -all of these are primal images).

Step 10: I write down any reaction or feeling I have as a result of letting go (or reflect silently). or just notice how you feel. Be with the expansion.

By this time you should feel more present and lighter. Happy Surrender Day.

* Excerpted From EZosophy: The Art and Wisdom of Easy or at Least Easier Living. © 2003 Easy Times Press


Teleseminar Schedule
April 11 "Beyond Emotions-Dealing With Anger, Fear and Sadness" 

Want more emotional freedom?  Join me Wed April 11 for a seminar on dealing with feelings and what is beyond the emotional intensity. Get out of emtional prison and let go of your prisoners. Time for emotional emancipation.

Relationships offer our biggest triggers - they remind us what we believe about ourselves at the inner forgotten levels of belief. That's good news, we can't heal the feelings of loneliness and abandonment alone.

View 2 minute video on teleseminar
Dealing With Feelings
April 18 and 25 "No Seminar"
I'll be with my daughter working on wedding plans and going to a wedding shower. Would you believe a wedding shower in a bar? It's true - it's an upscale bar in Charleston, SC. When I got married in 1968, a woman didn't dare walk in a liquor store. I'm not sure that getting liberated to walk in a liquor store has given women any more freedom or helped us out!
How to Access Teleseminars

Teleconference "Dealing With Emotions."Please join me Wednesday April 9 at 2 CST PM Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 # Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #

For those who don't want to use your cell phone minutes you can use Skye for free. (If you are not familiar with Skye call me for technical assistance at 281-419-1775). If use Skype already follow these steps after you have logged into your account: 1) On the top bar menu click on "Contacts" then click "Add a contact" from the drop down menu.  This will open up a pop-up box titled Add A Contact. 2) in the field labeled "Skype Name" enter the following without the quotation marks -

"freeconfrencecallhd.2096471600" (note the period between "hd" and the number). 3) Click on the "+ Add" button. The pop up box should disappear and you should be able to see the Skype control panel you started with which now has the new contact you just added under the Contacts list. 4) to place the call click on that new contact and click on the green "Call" button.  After the call connects and you hear the operator request that you enter your access code do the following, 5) On the top bar menu click on "Call" then on the drop down menu click on "Show Dial Pad". This opens a dial pad pop-up box. Click on the following keys in sequence 539554#.  The operator should now let you know you have been accepted into the call and how many other participants are on the call.

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Easier Living

You can purchase most teleseminars at the website. Click on the link above. Go to bottom of page for teleseminar download:

The EZ Secret: Living in Ease   


Latest Blog Post
This will make you think about the influence of your emotions to your surroundings. You've got a kingdom around you.

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