The EZ Secret - Anne Sermons Gillis

Published: Tue, 05/01/12

Living in EZ:  a Newsletter for your Body, Mind, and Spirit

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The EZ Secret:
The Eziest and Most Effective Diet on the Planet - It's a Diet for Living
Volume 23
Rise from your lies. Don't stay stuck in your muck. Move in your groove.


 In This Issue...
The Same Story twice
Finger Holding to Relieve Stress
Our Nervous System is Programmed to See Bits of Reality
EZ Teleseminar Schedule

 Anne Sermons Gillis
The Same Story Twice

I heard a person once say, "If you wear shoes, the whole world is covered with leather." It spoke of our separation from the earth; we rarely touch the ground. The world might as well be covered with leather because when we have on shoes, we lose that contact.

I heard another person tell a story about making life simpler. "You don't have to cover the world with leather, if you wear shoes." He was saying we can just take care of our life and our world and that is enough. We don't have to fix the whole world.

The moral of my tale of two stories is that truth can be used in many ways. Just a little food for thought.

Finger Holding to Relieve Stress
When I was in Rio years ago I attended on workshop that featured finger holding to relieve stress. Try it out.

Holding the Fingers  - Jan Henderson Phd

The acronym for remembering the attitudes associated with each finger is "Get rid of Worry FAST." W is for Worry (thumb), F for Fear (index), A for Anger (middle), S for Sadness (ring), and T for Trying To (little).

For each attitude, there is a "quickie" hold and a longer sequence. The "quickie" hold involves holding one finger with the fingers of the other hand. For example, to hold the left thumb, wrap all four fingers of your right hand around your left thumb. The longer sequence is a combination of fingers that you hold one after the other. For example, the longer sequence for Worry is to hold the thumb, then hold the middle finger, then hold the little finger.

How long should you hold a finger? If you have plenty of time, hold each finger until you feel a pulse arrive in the finger. If a finger is already pulsing strongly when you first touch it, hold the finger until the pulse calms down. Another way to hold the fingers is simply to hold each finger for two or more breaths. You will find this very meditative and relaxing. Holding individual fingers and the finger mudras before falling asleep is an excellent practice.

The ten fingers are said to regulate 14,400 functions within the body. The different ways of holding the fingers influence the body on a variety of levels, but they are all effective. Choose a style that feels most comfortable and satisfying to you.

Worry: The "quickie" is to hold the thumb. The sequence is thumb, middle, little finger.

Additional benefits: for depression, hate, obsession, anxiety, self-protection, to revitalize physical fatigue, for the back of the head, breathing, and digestive discomforts.

Fear: The "quickie" is to hold the index finger. The sequence is thumb, index, little finger.

Additional benefits: for timidity, mental confusion, depression, perfectionism, criticism, frustration, digestive issues, elimination, wrist, elbow, and upper arm discomforts.

Anger: The "quickie" is to hold the middle finger. The sequence is little, ring, middle finger.

Additional benefits: for feeling cowardly, irritable, indecisive, unstable, not alert, overly emotional, general fatigue, eye issues, forehead discomforts.

Sadness/Grief: The "quickie" is to hold the ring finger. The sequence is thumb, index, middle, ring finger.

Additional benefits: for negative feelings, common sense, excess mucus, breathing, ear discomforts.

Trying To/Pretense (cover-up): The "quickie" is to hold the little finger. The sequence is little, ring finger.

Additional benefits: for "crying on the inside and laughing on the outside," feeling insecure, nervous, confused, issues of "why am I here," calms nerves, aids bloating.
Source Balance Flow

Our Nervous System is Programmed to See Bits of Reality

"Our initial sensory experience and how it is interpreted for us structures a nervous system that ultimately has only one function: keep reinforcing what was imposed to us in the first place.

So what you see out there is what you were taught to see, basically. If you were told that it doesn't exist, then it doesn't exist for you. The nervous system develops as a response to sensory stimuli that creates a certain perception of the world and that perception structures a belief system. Then, the nervous system has one function - to keep reinforcing the belief system.'

'It's not seeing is believing, it's the other way round: if you don't believe it, you can't see it, taste it, touch it, hear it, smell it. Your nervous system has been programmed to take in only a small bit of reality. With bits of perception we cannot see the whole.

Consciousness conceives, constructs, governs and becomes the physical body."
Excerpt from Deepack Chopra's Quantum Healing 1 Check out a film about healing at

Teleseminar Schedule
 May 2 "Healing Patterns in Relationships"
A pattern is repetitive unconscious behavior. Our patterns lock us in and make us choiceless clones of our parents and other authority figures from our youth.Time to reverse our patterns so we can have easier relationships.
Check out this 2 minute video on teleseminar  Youtube Video
May 23 "Teachings From India"
I will share some of the things I learned from gurus during my 5 week trip to India. It's some cool stuff. Be there!
May 9, 16 "No Seminar"
It's show time on May 11.  My only child, Elizabeth, marries. Then two nephews wed in June. It's the marrying season. Good thing I'm my own boss. I get time off when I want it!
How to Access Teleseminars

Teleconference "Dealing With Emotions."Please join me Wednesday April 9 at 2 CST PM Please call (209) 647-1600 Access Code 539554 #

For those who don't want to use your cell phone minutes you can use Skye for free. (If you are not familiar with Skye call me for technical assistance at 281-419-1775). If use Skype already follow these steps after you have logged into your account:
1) On the top bar menu click on "Contacts" then click "Add a contact" from the drop down menu.  This will open up a pop-up box titled Add A Contact.
2) in the field labeled "Skype Name" enter the following without the quotation marks -
"freeconfrencecallhd.2096471600" (note the period between "hd" and the number).
3) Click on the "+ Add" button. The pop up box should disappear and you should be able to see the Skype control panel you started with which now has the new contact you just added under the Contacts list.
4) to place the call click on that new contact and click on the green "Call" button.  After the call connects and you hear the operator request that you enter your access code do the following,
5) On the top bar menu click on "Call" then on the drop down menu click on "Show Dial Pad". This opens a dial pad pop-up box. Click on the following keys in sequence 539554#.  The operator should now let you know you have been accepted into the call and how many other participants are on the call.

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Healthy Pudding

Want some yummy chocolate pudding? Try my no cook chocolate pudding.
1/2 ripe medium sized avocado
1/2 large frozen banana
I tablespoon dark chocolate cocoa or more to taste
Stevia or agave nectar to taste or you might try more banana for sweetener.
Put all this in a small food processor and process until smooth. Wow it's yummy. Use this recipe as a guideline and tailor it to your taste.

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Easier Living



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If you would like Anne to speak for your group or organization you may reach her at 281-419-1775
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Anne is also available for your network marketing phone conferences. 

Two nuns, Sister Catherine and Sister Helen, are traveling through Europe in their car. They get to Transylvania and are stopped at a traffic light. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tiny little Dracula jumps onto the hood of the car and hisses through the windshield.

"Quick, quick!" shouts Sister Catherine. "What shall we do?"

"Turn the windshield wipers on. That will get rid of the abomination," says Sister Helen.

Sister Catherine switches them on, knocking Dracula about, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns.

"What shall I do now?" she shouts.

"Switch on the windshield washer. I filled it up with Holy Water at the Vatican ," says Sister Helen.

Sister Catherine turns on the windshield washer. Dracula screams as the water burns his skin, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns.

"Now what?" shouts Sister Catherine.

"Show him your cross," says Sister Helen.

"Now you're talking," says Sister Catherine.

She opens the window and shouts, "Get off the car, you crazy weird son of a bloodsucker!"


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Phone 281-419-1775

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