Published: Mon, 11/20/17

“Sometimes a slight change in where we stand can dramatically change how we see things.”

                                    ~ Melody Beattie

Does this sound familiar? I have reflected on this topic in the recent past. But does it seem to you as it does to me that the need for us to see from other perspectives is becoming more critical? 

While this especially relates to political positions, this touchstone says no more about that. I'm simply suggesting here that we stretch the way we see things with our eyes because it's easy yet it can lead to a greater willingness and ability to stretch the way we see with our minds.  

Please try this today. Make it fun. I plan to make a game of this with my grandchildren. 

Here are a few suggestions: Walk around a sculpture, a table, a kitchen island, a tree, a house, a person - anything - and notice how what you see changes from each position. If you do this with others, have everyone describe what they see. If you can, get down on the ground and observe whatever is before you from a bug's view. I'll be asking Alexis and Anthony to offer their ideas. 

How does this apply to The Twelve Gifts? It often takes courage to express our view when others see it differently. It can also take courage to move from our position and appreciate what others see. Seeing things from many points of view can deepen compassion. Beauty, love, reverence, imagination, and joy can all be affected. Mainly, the more adept we become at seeing things differently, the more hope we have for maintaining harmony among us. 

For an example of seeing something differently, visit:

Toward peace,

​​​​​​​May you see the world with wonder. 
 from The Twelve Gifts for Healing

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(c) 2012 Charlene Costanzo 

Charlene Costanzo is the author of  The Twelve Gifts series of books:
The Twelve Gifts of Birth
The Twelve Gifts for Healing
The Twelve Gifts in Marriage
The Thirteenth Gift 
Touchstones: Stories for Living The Twelve Gifts 

November 20, 2017
