Published: Wed, 10/29/14


What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body." 

                             ~ Carolyn Myss  

The longer I live, the older I get, the more I realize how easily I am affected by what I see, hear, read, think, do...everything. 

With love and reverence for the life in our bodies  - the life that we are - let's wisely avoid what drains us and choose what fuels us.

I plan to attend a Taiko Drumming Performance at a Japanese festival in Orlando next Sunday because I've learned from experience that the 
sound and the energy vibrations of those huge drums fuels my spirit and my body too.

What might you do today, or someday soon, to fuel your spirit and your body in a subtle or a powerful way?

With love,


WISDOM: May you hear its soft voice. (from The Twelve Gifts of Birth)


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(c) 2012 Charlene Costanzo

Charlene Costanzo is the author of  The Twelve Gifts series of books:
The Twelve Gifts of Birth
The Twelve Gifts for Healing
The Twelve Gifts in Marriage
The Thirteenth Gift 
Touchstones: Stories for Living The Twelve Gifts 

October 29, 2014
