Published: Tue, 10/28/14


"A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination."

                             ~ Richelle E. Goodrich  

Let's put imagination to good use today,
visioning beauty in a way that heals, soothes, and strengthens us.

A few days ago, I realized that I needed a dose of beauty. In wondered What form should I seek? Connecting with nature? A treat of flowers?Music?

A short time later I got an answer. While reading something, I came across the word "gazebo." And I noticed feeling a tiny uplift as I pictured a pretty version of an open yet sheltered structure.

Reflecting on simple words for things that we love can be healing, nurturing, and empowering. It's kind of like the song "These are a few of my favorite things."

What does today's quote and this reflection stir for you?

How might you daydream? 
 What will you vision?

For the beauty in you,


IMAGINATION: May it nourish your vision and dreams. (from The Twelve Gifts of Birth)


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(c) 2012 Charlene Costanzo

Charlene Costanzo is the author of  The Twelve Gifts series of books:
The Twelve Gifts of Birth
The Twelve Gifts for Healing
The Twelve Gifts in Marriage
The Thirteenth Gift 
Touchstones: Stories for Living The Twelve Gifts 

October 28, 2014
