Published: Fri, 11/28/14


"Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude." 
                            ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Like eating turkey and all the other yummy Thanksgiving leftovers, let's be nourished this day with lingering thankfulness.

I invite you to join me in building a daily practice of giving thanks. (I'm guessing that many of you already do this.)

How enriched we will be when we make thanksgiving a way of life, especially when we give thanks for everything that comes into our daily lives. 

There are endless ways to practice gratitude.

Along with thanking God, I'm planning to give more thanks to others.

One way for me: I plan to express - via a little email or text - an appreciation to at least one distant friend or family member. It might be as simple as a memory of a time together. It might be for a quality I admire. 

How about, starting today, each in our own way, we each give more thanks and grow more love in the world?

Right now, I thank you for reading Today's Touchstones and for sometimes writing and sharing your perspectives. I appreciate this connection with you.


LOVE: It will grow each time you give it away. (from The Twelve Gifts of Birth)


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(c) 2012 Charlene Costanzo

Charlene Costanzo is the author of  The Twelve Gifts series of books:
The Twelve Gifts of Birth
The Twelve Gifts for Healing
The Twelve Gifts in Marriage
The Thirteenth Gift 
Touchstones: Stories for Living The Twelve Gifts 

November 28, 2014
