Published: Mon, 07/24/17


"May joy emerge."
      (from The Twelve Gifts for Healing)

Stars are always dancing. Sometimes they dance twinkling away with the rhythm of your joyful heart and sometimes they dance without movement to embrace your heartache....” 

                  ~ Munia Khan

Like the stars that are always dancing, joy is always humming within us.

Sometimes joy's humming is like an exuberant musical, with a complete orchestra and a stage full of singing dancers.

Sometimes the hum of joy is a soft, soothing lullabye, so subtle that it's barely heard. But its gentle rock can be felt. Perhaps it is then that joy is most healing.   

"Even during sad times, joy is within you," says Mater, the holy woman whose name means "mother" in The Twelve Gifts for Healing.

"Bring it forth," she says. "Wisdom is there to guide you."     

Joy. Let's bring it forth today. One way to do that is to be grateful for at least one thing.

Counting our blessings in a routine way won't do it. Our gratitude must be real in order for joy to come forth naturally. 

Like the dancing stars and joy's hummings, our appreciations are sometimes abundant and robust. And sometimes, not.

If you are feeling blue today, if your gratitude seem numbed, take some time to simply be.

Sit still. Intend to be authentic and honest with yourself. Intend to notice something you appreciate. No pushing or pretending. Just watch. Wait. See what sincere gratitude emerges. And see how joy comes along with it like a shy friend.

It may be something as simple as the color of your walls, the comfort of your chair, or the cozying up of your cat who seems to understand and wants to help.    

Sending love and light to all,

PS - I'm also sending joyful gratitude today to Sandy and Vivian who wrote and shared their heart-opening activities after reading yesterday's touchstone.
Here are some of their ideas: Giving and receiving hugs, expressing gratitude,conversing with a friend, singing, dancing in your living room to a tune you love, writing your mom a note, seeing the color of the tall grass as the early sun hits it, eating an ice cream cone and really tasting it, thinking of everything the universe has given you, having a good cry instead of holding it in, going deep within yourself and finding that magical place that opens you to life, reading the touchstone every morning...

PPS - Feel free to offer your ideas, ask questions, share an experience, and give your perspective. You can do that by commenting on the Today's Touchstone Facebook page or by contacting me at or by emailing [email protected].  


JOY:  May it keep your heart open and filled with light.                  
                                              (from The Twelve Gifts of Birth)


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(c) 2012 Charlene Costanzo 

Charlene Costanzo is the author of  The Twelve Gifts series of books:
The Twelve Gifts of Birth
The Twelve Gifts for Healing
The Twelve Gifts in Marriage
The Thirteenth Gift 
Touchstones: Stories for Living The Twelve Gifts 

July 24, 2017
