"The Beginning of the End"?

Published: Sun, 08/28/16

So I talked about this this AM, but the time is
finally here.

The last ever Blast program from WCFnation is
about to come upon us.

And is up for pre-order now.  (At a discount, too.)

After debating what sorta catchy name I should
slap on this program, I decided to go simple &
almost kinda old school.

"Final Blast"

And it's basically the epitome of the WCF journey
over the years.

Starting back at the original Working Class Fitness
site when the state goal at the time was to "turn the
ordinary into the extraordinary".

Rooted in the MMA workout times, showing guys
how to be strong and powerful & athletic while 
having great cardio.

And being able to do it all at the same time.

Utilizing our own little brand of WCF-style circuit
and complex training.

Adding just enough bodybuilding to the mix that 
you feel always feel good about how you look
when you pull your shirt off.

But still rooted in athletic-style training that you
never have to worry about being "all show & no go".

Bringing on the idea of "flexible scheduling" so
you never have to be tied down to a "Day 1 on
Monday & Day 2 on Wednesday".  Instead, you
get to train when it makes sense to you...as often
as it makes sense to you.

Then integrated what we like to call "fractured 
training".  Can't finish an entire workout all at
the same time?  No problem.  We'll show you how
to make up for it later.

No crazy equipment needed.  We do everything 
with only the most simple of tools...whether you're
in a gym with a bench & rack or just at home with
some space & a couple dumbbells.

Get equal parts "look badass" & "perform kickass".

Then we added the idea of "constant weight training"
and "CAT" (compensatory acceleration training)
from the kettlebell and powerlifting worlds.  So you
can make your progress more simple, yet still as 
dramatic...even if it doesn't look like it on paper.

Oh & if you have to miss a workout or just have a
bad day, your entire program is no longer at risk of
going off the rails.  Shrug it off & come back better
next time.

We temper the notion of working your ass off with
working just hard enough.

Because you want to get stronger, faster, look leaner,
and have better cardio...

...but not if it means being sore & tired & beatup all
the time.

We enjoy our workouts...so we can enjoy our life
even more.

This is what the WCF journey is all about.  

And when I design a program for myself to personally
use...it's what I have in mind.

Final Blast is the last WCF "hurrah" symbolzing
every one of these things...

...and just a little bit more.

You'll get a "look good, perform better" program
that needs only the most minimal of equipment &
can be done anywhere from home to gym.

Accomplishing all the best WCF-style of goals.

All on your own schedule, working when you 
want, progressing when you want, giving you
plenty of flexibility.

It's just a simple way of making life better as a whole.

Final Blast is being unleashed & released to the
world officially by this Friday, September 2nd.

Hit the link & you can Reserve Your Copy for
roughly 1/3 off
 the eventual full retail price

=>Claim your pre-order discount


You can make sure you get it...AND all 12 other
current generation Blast programs at an even 
BIGGER discount

(We're talking nearly 80% off)

=>Go here for those details

Know I'm biased, but this really is one you're
not gonna wanna miss.

Not just for the "last Blast program ever" nostalgia

But because it's really gonna kick that much ass.

Just sayin'

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins

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