Think Smarter World Newsletter - June 27th, 2015

Published: Sat, 06/27/15

Newsletter - June 27th, 2015 - Volume 2, Issue 8 

TSW Posts from the Past Week
Prof. Dr. Ervin Laszlo is generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and general evolution theory. His work in recent years has centered on the formulation and development of the “Akasha Paradigm”, the new conception of cosmos, life and consciousness emerging at the forefront of the contemporary sciences.

Adam Grant, Professor at the Wharton School of Business, has managed to create in his book – Give and Take – a modern day, evidence-based justification that  “The More You Give, the More You Receive” is actually how life works.
Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking
  • Biologist David Sloan Wilson explains why mainstream economics is bankrupt and how a new economic paradigm can improve the world.

Mind-Body Harmony
  • The Five Levels of Healing - 2 min video explains why healing chronic disease cannot be accomplished solely at the physical level.  The 5 Levels of Healing is developed by Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, MD in the 1980s based on a study of Eastern and Western medicine. Understanding this model allows you to truly understand why chronic illness cannot be merely healed at the physical level, because the origin of disease comes from other energetic levels of human the bio-field:  spiritual, intuitive, emotional, and mental bodies in addition to the physical body.  See an in-depth analysis of the human energy fields in my article (re)-The (re)-Discovery of the Human Energy Field, and a more in-depth presentation of Dr. Klinghardt’s work here.

  • Changing Bad to Good: How Expectations Influence Behavior:  Dr. Joe Dipenza.  Expectations are linked to a memory of a person, event, time, place, etc. They're powerful because they shape not only how we see the world but also how we experience it. You have the ability to alter your expectations by changing your thoughts, feelings and beliefs -- and therefore, influence your experience of reality.

  • It's Always the Oxygen...Really.  The most important medicine is invisible, mostly free and usually overlooked.  

  • Can Humans Harvest The Sun's Energy Directly Like Plants? Much like photosynthesis in plants, can human beings utilize light and water for their energy needs? New evidence suggests that it may be happening right now in each cell of your body.

  • How the Heart Tells the Brain to Achieve Happiness.  Knowing how the brain works biologically can help you understand why it is so hard to change feelings of depression, sadness, or anything other than joy.
Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Most Published Research Findings Are Probably False: The rate of findings that have later been found to be wrong or exaggerated has been found to be 30% for the top most widely cited randomized controlled trials in the world's highest quality medical journals. For non-randomized trials that number rises to an astonishing five out of six.
  • Black holes have been posited as the basis of time machines, gateways to other universes and the seeds from which baby universes are born. Yet the new book “Black Hole” shows that at every step in its intellectual history, the concept of black holes has been resisted tooth and nail by physicists.

Unity Consciousness
  • Has Consciousness Evolved? The idea that consciousness is evolving is one of the most important doctrines of the New Age. But is it true?  Over the long term, the answer seems obvious. Even the stupidest of humans is far more intelligent and sophisticated than a trilobite. Although materialists have skirted the conclusion that evolution has a direction – and that this direction is toward greater complexity – they have not managed to shoot it down. The New Age idea of evolving consciousness is a little different. Many advocates of the new paradigm insist that human consciousness has gotten more sophisticated within historical times, and that it is destined to make another grand leap. 
  • How to Discover and Live Your Spiritual Purpose: Deep down, you know there’s something special you’re here to do. Whether you want to call it your purpose, your passion, your bliss or your soul’s task… it’s much more than a career or a job you enjoy; it’s your life’s work.

  • Three centuries of progressive thinkers reveal that evolution has long been considered a deeply spiritual concept. by Tom Huston

Quotes of the Week
  • "Biophoton research also explains the underlying principles of why it’s so vital to eat a diet of mostly RAW food.  As you know, without the sun it is virtually impossible for most life forms to exist. For example, we now know that without appropriate sun exposure, you will become deficient in vitamin D, which will have very far ranging consequences for your health. Vitamin D influences at least 2,000-3,000 genes (that we know of), and without sufficient amounts of vitamin D, your body becomes susceptible to a staggering amount of diseases.  But you can absorb sun energy via your food as well as through your skin (although this should not be confused with being able to alter your vitamin D status).  Dr. Johanna Budwig from Germany has stated that live foods are electron-rich, and act as high-powered electron donors and “solar resonance fields” in your body to attract, store, and conduct the sun's energy in your body.  The greater your store of light energy, the greater the power of your overall electromagnetic field, and consequently the more energy is available for healing and maintenance of optimal health.  Every living organism emits biophotons or low-level luminescence, and the higher the level of light a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the individual who eats it. Hence, the more light a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is. Naturally grown fresh vegetables, for example, and sun-ripened fruits, are rich in light energy. The capacity to store biophotons is therefore a measure of the quality of your food.  ” - Dr. Mercola   Complement with (re) Discovering the Human Energy Field

  • "Gurdjieff taught that modern man is in a state of waking sleep, a low-grade hypnosis. Part of this sleep involves disassociation: the body walks through its daily routines while the mind ponders grievances of the past, and fantasises about the future. We are like Mr. Duffy in one of James Joyce’s stories, who “lived a short distance from his body.”  Practically everything about present-day life helps increase this dissociation. You are well-informed about the latest world crisis, but are you aware of what is going on in your own being? Very likely your body and your emotions do not care in the slightest for all of the momentous events that make your mind so agitated. Probably, in fact, these other parts of you are bored by your fixation on a computer screen and would just as soon be out for a walk, or doing nothing at all.” - Richard Smoley, author of The Dice Game of Shiva, How Consciousness Creates The Universe
  • "I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn.Mankind is not ready for the great and good. In Colorado Springs I soaked the earth by electricity. Also we can water the other energies, such as positive mental energy. They are in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of great poets. In the Earth’s interior, there are energy of Joy, Peace and Love. Their expressions are a flower that grows from the Earth, the food we get out of her and everything that makes man’s homeland. I’ve spent years looking for the way that this energy could influence people. The beauty and the scent of roses can be used as a medicine and the sun rays as a food. Life has an infinite number of forms, and the duty of scientists is to find them in every form of matter. Three things are essential in this. All that I do is a search for them. I know I will not find them, but I will not give up on them....I know that gravity is prone to everything you need to fly and my intention is not to make flying devices (aircraft or missiles), but teach an individual to regain consciousness on his own wings … Further; I am trying to awake the energy contained in the air. There are the main sources of energy. What is considered as empty space is just a manifestation of matter that is not awakened. No empty space on this planet, nor in the Universe.. In black holes, what astronomers talk about, are the most powerful sources of energy and life. - Inventor Nikola Tesla from an interview in 1899.  Here is a 2-minute video about his major accomplishments.
  • “Every day in our newspapers we read about more entanglements of all those things that were once imagined to be separable: science, morality, religion, law, technology, finance, and politics. If you envision a future in which there will be less and less of these entanglements thanks to Science, then you are a modernist. But if you brace yourself for a future in which there will always be more of these imbroglios, mixing many more heterogeneous actors, at a greater and greater scale and at an ever-tinier level of intimacy requiring even more detailed care, then you are a “compositionalist”, someone who sees the process of human development as neither liberation from nature nor as a fall from it but as a process of becoming ever more attached to, and intimate with a panoply of non-human natures.” - Bruno Latour writing in the Breakthrough Journal
  • “Economist and educator Kenneth Boulding once warned that anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist. It’s time for us to put an end to this mad pursuit in wealthy nations. Besides the fact that economic growth is a recipe for environmental disaster, we have reached the point at which it is no longer improving people’s lives...The real question is not whether we should ditch the pursuit of growth - that’s a given; the question is with what to replace it.” - Economist Dan O’Neill, author of Enough is Enough

    Question to Ponder for the Week
    Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

    Picture of the Week
    Fortunate to experience this beautiful sunset at Southmore Golf Course in Bath, PA this week as my son and I finished playing on the 18th hole.

    Have a Great Week, Stay Positive, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

    -Jay Kshatri
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