[U-Ofc] Do You Love "The Wall"?

Published: Wed, 10/16/19


"Unchain your office.  Unleash your dreams"



I had an AMAZING conversation with a friend recently.

Essentially, we came to the conclusion that a lot of people out there
love "The Wall".

Now, by this I don't mean they're big fans of the Pink Floyd cult
movie from the '70s.  (Although they may be...)

And it certainly has nothing to do with the US/Mexico border.

Rather, we were talking about the wall that we ourselves build.

Why do we build--and love--"The Wall"?

Simple.  We build it to keep stuff out that we don't want getting in.

That could mean people we don't want to let close enough to us to
hurt us.

It could mean stress or strain that we perceive as unnecessary.

OR...we could build "The Wall" to insulate ourselves.

Naturally, we don't want "outside influences" to hurt us.  But what
if we're also trying to protect ourselves from risk that could
actually HELP us?

Could that be possible?  And further, could we LOVE "The Wall"
more than we value the idea of maximizing our talents and truly
living our dreams?

...all because the latter sounds too dangerous?

So many of us will wake up tomorrow and do the same exact
thing we did today.  And yesterday, most of us did the same exact
thing we did the day before.

Over the years we have lulled ourselves to sleep with the status

But "The Wall" is seen as a source of safety, even as it is often
what traps us in mediocrity.

So what happens when you tear down that wall?

Well, it could allow some stress to enter your life.  It could also
mean allowing some other people to get a little nearer.

But as the people of East Germany once found out three decades
ago, there's FREEDOM on the other side of "The Wall".

So the question is, are you in fact LOVING what is holding you

Many people trade their long-term dreams in for the "protection"
of short-term comfort.

Don't do that...start putting the wheels in motion to UNCHAIN
yourself from the confines of what bores you day after day.

Maybe that's a dead end job.  Maybe that's a so-called "career" that
squashes your real dreams every day.  It could even be a limiting
belief that keeps you from building the relationships you can and
should be building.

Whatever it is, I can help you start living the life you truly want.

Contact me at [email protected] or catch me on Skype at
"scotmckay" and make it happen...starting today.

And I'll talk to you again soon.

Here's To Greatness,

Scot McKay

P.S.  Ready to start your very own Internet business?  I'm here to

The First 25 Minutes Is Free


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