Your Monday Morning Perkup -1936, 4 more days until Black Friday, Fiverr Coupon, Offline, 502, PLR, more!

Published: Mon, 11/23/15

Your Monday Morning Perkup -1936,  4 more days until Black Friday, Offline, 502, PLR, more!
 (NOTE!  These mornin's goodies are awaiting you below but if you don't like 'em, please do unsubscribe at  - thanks!) .


Don't forget if you find these perkups grand, please feel free to share them and let your friends know they can get 'em too at - thanks!


3 Complete Done-For-You Product
Fill In The Blanks *Funnel* Outlines!

Your Benefits:  You can now create your own product
super-fast by following the blueprints!

Today in 1936:  LIfe Magazine is reborn as a photo mag.  Instant success!


Good morning! It's today but first!

=== Start Ongoing Goodies! === 

Beginners Mobile Cheatsheet
 Benefits You Get:  Mobile Marketing ideas on 1 page!

Dennis Beckers E1K Special

Todays goodie: 

Personal Finance Tips fro New Entrepreneurs
(must be in our zero cost group to see.... request if you're not!)

Good stuff!

=== End Ongoing Goodies! === 

Where was I?  Ah yes, Monday!

Very enjoyable weekend, I must say.  Husband and I took the kids to Mitsuwa which is a Japanese market up north.   Their ramen is amazing!  Much enjoyment there... and then we returned home where enjoy family time with kids and planned out this week.

Financial site is moving along - also will be adding a baby boomer fitness/wellness place too.   I think that's to where my interests really are laying.... not getting any younger you know, so being able to write about stuff that affects me *today* is super nifty.

What's new in your neck of the woods... would love to hear....

And onto today! 
FIRST, be alert to an update from me this morning ... might deal with Offline!



NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
.... please sign up at
to get these in real time.  Thanks!


And let's begin!

Want a coupon for a Fiverr gig?

Well then!
Sell this as a gig!

(NOTE - Clients have no idea this software exists... and it makes it simple for you to deliver SEO/backlink gigs!)

Brief, pithy and to the point:

The best way to profit on Fiverr is NOT to trade time for money!

Instead, use already-available software and tools to give your clients what they *really* want....

And then offer them upsell gigs as well!

Imagine the following....

Fully cloud based software....

which means...

No installation or setup needed....

that ends up:

Driving FREE traffic from 12 social media networks....

that provides you with the ability to offer your clients:

1000s of High PR backlinks to any website....

even (believe it or not) gives you

1 CLICK Syndicates their content to all 12 social sites!

Catch Those 12 Social Networks? 
Use coupon
barb10 to take off 33%!


Whats that?  You want 502 content marketing resources?

Well then! 

502 Content Marketing Resources!

Want you 502 resources/links for making images, research, content tools, zero-cost images and more?

Well then!

502 Free Resources for Content Marketers!

This is by Tina Golden, long-time marketer.... and these are her personal collection of all the resources she's been using during the past 15 years (wow!).

In a nutshell, you'll learn where to discover:

* 38 sources for in-depth research for content, trends and markets

* 19 content tools like plagiarism and grammar checkers

* 42 sources for free photos and graphics

Catch those free images?

Good stuff!

Whats that?  You want Product creation niftyness instead?

Well then! 

19 WSOs?

OMG... this is HUGE.  As in, wow!  We're talking that Amanda Lees earlier released something that blasts past ANY issues you might have in making your own product solutions and getting them out there FAST!

Just look at it all....

| oOo ==> And remember this author has 19 WSOTDs!


* Fill-in-the blanks outlines you can follow to create your own cash-spouting products

* These are the exact same outlines she uses to create winning products time after time

* No spending hours and hours researching tons of information - She's done it all for you!

| Catch That Done For You?


Whats that?  You want another quick Fiverr gig you can create today?

Well then!

Sell this as a gig! 

Fair warning: the following might surprise you.

Did you know that more than 1 billion will be spent during Black Friday?

It's the one time when customers are frantic to open their pocketbooks and spend!

Here's how you can cash in via Fiverr... starting TODAY!

Now, keep in mind the sales page is slanted towards PLR... but it's applicable to so much more!

See, one of the best ways to convert buyers is to use compelling viral images to highlight the deals.

But most Fiverr buyers have not a clue how to make them!!

And I just JUST released a quick easy cheatsheet that shows YOU free ways you can create them.... over 30 sites I found for you!...

And then use them to offer in Fiverr as an intro gig....

And then an upsell gig....

Or your Fiverr social media posts....

And even more!



And finally....

Push button MMs?

(NOTE:  Intriguing!)

Brief, pithy and to the point....

This is something... *different*.

Have you ever heard about rev share programs that deal with hourly earnings by viewing ads and the like?

Here's what its all about!


Dont forget yesterdays:

Where was I?  Ah yes, Sunday!

Took my youngest to see MockingJay II.  Very well done, I think.... I know some folks were looking for lots more 'action' but a lot of the story.... deals with the heartfelt emotions the main characters must push thru.

Definitely worthwhile to see!

And my eldest has re-integrated into the family so yay there.  Going to take half the clan up to visit Mitsua Japanese store in northern NJ.... kids love the ramen and it should be a good Sunday treat for them.

After that, of course, it's Mom Rest Day... which Mom is looking forward to bigtime!  Will probably hit the gym this morning but then.... rest.

Yes.   A good thing.

What's new in your neck of the woods... would love to hear....

And onto today! 
FIRST, be alert to an update from me this morning ... might deal with PLR!



NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
.... please sign up at
to get these in real time.  Thanks!


And let's begin!

Want a super discount to quality Offline goodness.... my network ONLY?

Well then!
eBay Affiliate Store!

(NOTE - my network only, $30 off!!)

Brief, pithy and to the point.

Think offline...

And then think....

Local Biz Tips Software

Offline Software Giveaway (currently $97!)

Local Video Script Pro Lite

Pro Video Stingers


All for pennies on the dollar!
(you'll see the $30 savings when you click the Buy button...)


Whats that?  You want eBay Store Goodness?

Well then! 

eBay Affiliate Store!

(NOTE - Viral as well... and prelaunch special!)

Brief, pithy and to the point.

Imagine.... you being able to:

Create commission-generating affiliate store in minutes...

Add unlimited Amazon, eBay, Commission Junction products...

Catch that unlimited?


Whats that?  You want FB Video Goodness?

Well then! 

FB Video Goodness!

(NOTE - Seating is limited and its zero cost!)

Forgive the suddeness of this - I was just reminded that this class is happening in 15 minutes!

Oh the goodness you'll learn!


Whats that?  You want Offline?

Well then! 

New Customers!
Brief, pithy and to the point...

Want a true local marketing business solution...

With *real* customers....

That pay you *real* fees?

Well then!

Get Paid For Delivering New Customers!

That was easy.

And finally.... closing tonight!

My Network Only - Offline!

33% off My Network Only!
Brief, pithy and
to the point:

First, check out the sales page at:

| oOo ==> Sales pages and Squeeze Pages and 60+
| Templates…. oh my! (use coupon barbrocks for 33%
| OFF on dev version!)

Imagine being able to setup a proven,
million dollar sales page design in only
*60 seconds.*

What would that do for your conversions
and cash flow for your business?

You would never have to:

* Learn a single line of code.
* Understand Photoshop or any other graphics software.
* Never have to hire a designer, coder or outsourcer.

You simply choose your template, add your
sales copy, make a couple of simple tweaks,
and you are done.

With Sean’s new Profit Builder you can create
and deploy andy type of marketing page in minutes
from his proven high-converting template library.

He’s also included his Million Dollar Sales Page
template, so you can have a high-converting, high-end
design ready to bring in sales for you in minutes.

Think about how easy it would be
to set up your own sales pages when
you have 60 templates like the above
to follow!

Just look at some of the other things Profit Builder can do for you:

* Create amazing marketing pages that capture new leads effortlessly
* Easy to use on all your WordPress sites with ANY theme
* Drag and Drop LIVE editor permits quick on the fly updates
* Get 50+ pre-done, proven marketing layouts for every need
* Plus 50+ instant elements to enhance any page on your site
* Create all types of pages with irresistible features for new leads
* SEO and Mobile Optimized for maximum effect
* Transform Your Site into a massive lead generation tool
* All of this and much more

==> Grab your copy here: (use coupon barbrocks for 33%
| OFF on dev version!)



Don't forget yesterdays:

Where was I?  Ah yes, Saturday!

OMG what a day.  I'm writing this at 4:42am and hopefully will get to sleep soon.  In a nutshell, my eldest asked if I could pick up kid yesterday..... so I drove 9038473987 miles or so, picked up kid, and then drove for about 2 hours at 10mph and figured.... bleep this!!

We stayed at a hotel for the night, got up at 2:30am, and then drove the remaining 75 miles home.  Just got back and I am *soooo* exhausted its ridiculous. 

Still, though, its all good.   The family held together while I was gone.  And I am truly looking forward to a nice quiet weekend!

What's new in your neck of the woods... would love to hear....

And onto today! 
FIRST, be alert to an update from me this morning ... might deal with FB!



NOTE!  I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
.... please sign up at
to get these in real time.  Thanks!


And let's begin!

Want a super discount to quality PLR?

Well then!
My Network Only - Diverse Organic!

(NOTE -its now retailing for 'way more than what you see here!)

Oh the goodness.... (and its now retailing for 'way more than what you see here!)


Editable Organic Diet and Lifestyle ebook

10 versions of 2D/3D covers!

47 images in eBook

Done for you Sales Copy and Thank you page!

Catch that Done for You?

That was wonderful!

Whats that?  You want Profit Building Goodness?

Well then! 

33% off My Network Only!

Brief, pithy and
to the point:

First, check out the sales page at:

| oOo ==> Sales pages and Squeeze Pages and 60+
| Templates…. oh my! (use coupon
barbrocks for 33%
| OFF on dev version!)

Imagine being able to setup a proven,
million dollar sales page design in only
*60 seconds.*

What would that do for your conversions
and cash flow for your business?

You would never have to:

* Learn a single line of code.
* Understand Photoshop or any other graphics software.
* Never have to hire a designer, coder or outsourcer.

You simply choose your template, add your
sales copy, make a couple of simple tweaks,
and you are done.

With Sean’s new Profit Builder you can create
and deploy andy type of marketing page in minutes
from his proven high-converting template library.

He’s also included his Million Dollar Sales Page
template, so you can have a high-converting, high-end
design ready to bring in sales for you in minutes.

Think about how easy it would be
to set up your own sales pages when
you have 60 templates like the above
to follow!

Just look at some of the other things Profit Builder can do for you:

* Create amazing marketing pages that capture new leads effortlessly
* Easy to use on all your WordPress sites with ANY theme
* Drag and Drop LIVE editor permits quick on the fly updates
* Get 50+ pre-done, proven marketing layouts for every need
* Plus 50+ instant elements to enhance any page on your site
* Create all types of pages with irresistible features for new leads
* SEO and Mobile Optimized for maximum effect
* Transform Your Site into a massive lead generation tool
* All of this and much more

==> Grab your copy here: (use coupon barbrocks for 33%
| OFF on dev version!)


Whats that?  You want Affiliate Yumness?

Well then! 

Perfect Affiliate Storm

(NOTE:  Just releaseD!)

Brief, pithy and to the point...

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to create income online..... after all, you don't have to make the product, you just have to direct people there!

Wouldn't it be great if you could learn about an untapped source of traffic....

One that has never been really mentioned before in affiliate marketing....

Your sales would increase, right?

Think about increasing your number of affiliate sales...

Think about seeing more people buying from your link....

And it's newbie friendly too!


Or Maybe PLR?

Well then! 

Streaming PLR!

(NOTE:  Brand new!)

Brief, pithy and to the point....

LIve streaming is hugely profitable...

(Heck, I did a launch about that myself a few months ago).....

Now imagine having your OWN product solution about live streaming... where you can claim 100% of the profits!


Whats that?  You want Periscopy goodness?

Well then! 


Awhile back I released my latest one page nearly-0 Authority Social Informer:

All The BEST Periscope Tutorials... for zero cost!

Periscope added 10 million users in only 4 months...

And this is a HUGE opportunity for smart folk like you to profit first!

And the enhancements!


Don't forget our favs:


==> Dennis Becker's Earn1KaDay Special

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Special!

==> Hypergrowth ListBuilding Class (zero cost)

==> Software that writes your copy for you!

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets  

==> 100K Funnel (Zero Cost)


==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR

==> JR Lang Quality PLR!

==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR

==> Sue Fleckenstein

==> Alice Seba PLR


Thank you for bring on my list - I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies...

Grow strong, 

Barbara Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet.  For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>

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BUSINESS CONNECTION DISCLOSURE:  The sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another business connection to the providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within this message....and may be compensated when you buy from a provider.  Always perform due diligence before buying anything online via the Internet...or offline, for that matter.  An educated consumer rocks!

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