Link Fixed ☕ Your Sunday Morning Perkup: 1870, Casting Stones, Gandalf, 0 Cost, 20 Checklists, Messenger, more!

Published: Sun, 02/26/17

Editors note:  Editor is an idjut and sent the wrong link.  Editor has fixed it in this re-send.  Editor needs coffee.  Please fax Editor coffee.  Editor is one hurtin' pup this morning. -- Editor (aka an uncaffeinated Barb Ling)

Barb Ling of the "this is really sad  :(" morning perkups here!

Lots of updates that I've shared at our "up since 1am"  newsletter over at:

Goodness includes:

*  Don't be a tweeblehead

*  Parenting is a hero's journey

and of course, all the goodies that went live/closes soon (think Dennis Becker's 70% off 20 Product Creation Checklists, 0 cost membership secrets, PLR, Energy, Blog Ads, Review videos, more)

And of course, our morning MooseNCoffee.

Hope you enjoy!


Barb Ling
Authority Marketing