☕ Your Saturday Morning Perkup: 1919, Flame Throwing Drones, Coffee PLR, Instagram, 60 Second Azon Stores, more!

Published: Sat, 02/25/17

Barb Ling of the "Yes its a flame-throwing drone" morning perkups here!

Lots of updates that I've shared at our "car accident"  newsletter over at:

Goodness includes:

*  I kid you not.

*  What I did after my doctor appt.

and of course, all the goodies that went live/closes soon (think Coffee Brewing PLR, 60 second Azon stores new, my Instamate coupon still works,  get all the bestsellers in Azon today, Clickbank review videos,  more)

And of course, our morning MooseNCoffee.

Hope you enjoy!


Barb Ling
Authority Marketing