Try this when you're feeling blue

Published: Fri, 03/21/14

Today is one of those days. I slept later than I wanted to. I'm struggling to focus. I've been doing a whole lot of sitting in front of my computer and not a whole lot of actual doing. Productivity feels like a lost cause.


Thankfully, I don't have a ton of these days but I do have them. Contrary to popular belief, the life of a writer/business owner is not all sunshine and rainbows. Sure, it's awesome to make my own schedule and not have a boss to answer to . . . most of the time. But sometimes, my Type A tendencies work against me, self-flaggelation kicks in, and it feels next to impossible to make the magic happen.

Years of experience working one-on-one with writers like you tells me that you have days like this, too. We all do--we're only human--but us sensitive writer folk are even more susceptible.

Here's what I did to turn my day around. Try it the next time you're being hard on yourself about your work, your writing, or anything that has the ability to get you down:

Split a sheet of paper into two columns: on the left, record your negative thoughts about yourself and your work/writing/whatever as they come to you; on the right, write what your best friend would say in response. Now review the two columns. Which has more reality?

Here's what I came up with (Really, this is a scan of the exercise as I completed it today. Please excuse the chicken scratch!):
Negative Thoughts Exercise

You know what I did then? I put down my pen, picked up the phone and welcomed a new coaching client into the fold. Then I wrote this email.

What will you accomplish when you decide to turn your next bad day around?

To sunshine and rainbows,

Justine Tal Goldberg

Owner, WriteByNight

P.S. Why not head on over the WBN blog for some Friday afternoon reading?: