[X&Y] She's Perfectly Imperfect

Published: Sat, 08/24/19


WHAT'S INSIDE:  Yes, you should be picky.  But shouldn't you
also choose who you pick, and not someone else?



The "classic" newsletter I'm sharing with you this time is about
choosing a woman who is perfect for you, even if she isn't perfect
in the absolute sense.

We love the idea of perfection in this culture, don't we?

But the truth is no matter how good you get, you won't ever rid
yourself of slip-ups.

That's human.

Let me tell you though, what often confounded me was how
particularly easy it was to mess up with women...and how
frequently it happened.

Can you relate?

I mean, no matter HOW much you've read and how much skill
you have acquired, there are STILL way too many times where
Murphy's Law seems to rear its ugly head.

You meet a fantastic woman...and she suddenly stops texting.

There's a woman you've connected with...but you're stuck as
to how to proceed.

There's a woman you want to meet...but her personality type
confounds every strategy you go over in your head.

There are as many sticky situations that sneak up on even the
best of us as there are possibilities

What if you NEVER missed out on an imminent opportunity
EVER again?

No more near misses.  No more 20/20 hindsight.  No more
kicking yourself. 

That's one of many reasons why Laser Coaching is so

You get a clear, present and immediate advantage over every
other guy who wants the same women you do.

Call me for quick, 20-minute sessions any time a specific
situation comes up, and emerge confident and empowered
with a real-world solution.

You can have as many sessions as you care to over the
course of an entire year.  There's no limit:


Of course, if you're not quite where you want to be yet
when it comes to fine-tuning your level of success with
women, we can cover that also.  The sky's the limit.

Questions about the Laser Coaching program?  Simply
click "reply" to this newsletter or contact me at:

[email protected]



[Ed. Note:  The following is a reprint of one of my earliest
newsletters.  It was originally sent on 2/6/2006, exactly five days
before I met Emily.  Go figure...]

The media in this country has a lot to do with programming us with
pre-packaged ideas about what we are "supposed" to be attracted

As you know, I believe there are a lot of men and women out there
who are going to great lengths to approach a certain level of
"beauty" that is, for the most part, a constant chasing after the

Last night I happened upon The Bachelor as I was flipping
channels.  The eponymous subject is apparently to decide between
four women, all of whom are completely different.  

What a heart-wrenching challenge for him, according to the plot.  

Well, I looked at the TV and as my eyes started to glaze over
(losing interest) it dawned on me.  I was personally feeling
zero attraction for any of the four women he had before him.

Don't get me wrong.  It's not anyone's fault this is the case.

Everyone involved with the show is beautiful, "nice", etc.   

I'm just different.  

And this got me to thinking.  If I really consider the type of
woman I would be most attracted to, she would never really be the
"Barbie" type, approaching media-driven perfection physically.

Let me spell this out:  Put a woman who somehow seems more
like an even match for me next to a human Barbie doll, and I will
be feeling more natural, visceral "energy" for the former than for
the supermodel type.  

So who is this chick?

Some call her "the girl next door".  I call her amazing, and I
know exactly why.

It's precisely that she is NOT so perfect that makes her more
attractive to me.  

The imperfections themselves may not be so easily defined.  In
fact, I'm hard pressed to come up with a laundry list of them
because it would be different for me than it would be for you.  

But basically, such a woman brings a total package that I can
flat-out appreciate.  Maybe the imperfections are exactly those I
can relate to.  

But whatever the case, what makes her potentially imperfect for
others is what makes her who she is in my eyes, and I would never
want to change her to be more perfect.  

In every case, though, she's the type of woman who others will
invariable say "looks cute with me".  We just look like and act
like we belong together.
This is a magical thing.  

When I know this is going on, I am proud to be with her and to be
seen with her, even if other guys may not have seen in her what I

In situations like these when things are firing on all cylinders,
we both understand how what's perfect and what's imperfect work
together to make us get along so well.

It has been said that people often end up together who physically
look alike.  If you have ever seen a couple and aren't really sure
if they are brother/sister or on a date, you know exactly what I'm
getting at.  I think this is absolutely true.  

I have a friend who is physically very different than I am, and the
women he tends to go nuts over I wouldn't ask out in a million

But see, what I think doesn't matter to him, nor should it.

If he is with someone who he really digs, then that is all that

And it's particularly interesting how he gravitates towards women
who kind of look like him.  

Unfortunately, many of us want approval from others when it comes
to who we are dating.  We want to be with the one who everyone
else finds attractive.  

The irony is, of course, that this is impossible to really measure
for sure, and quickly becomes wasted energy.  

Want a quick test as to whether you are vulnerable to this way of

Here it is:  Have you ever found yourself dating someone who many
of your friends think is utterly fantastic, when you yourself have
this nagging feeling that you are not appreciating her as much as
someone else would?  

I certainly have in the past.  It's as if I am dating someone
else's woman.  

It's easy to get somewhat confused in these cases because the
feeling on the surface is, "What is wrong with me?  How come I
can't fall for this person?"  

Well, that's a case of being caught up in seeking perfection
rather than imperfect perfection.  

Get it?

Just in case you don't, consider this:  The SAME holds true if
you're passing up women who you're genuinely drawn to simply
because you're concerned that they won't be beautiful enough,
impressive enough, etc. for "the masses" (i.e. your social circle).

Nobody is perfect of course, but focusing on someone who is perfect
for me is about as good as it gets.  What about you?



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