[X&Y] 4 Foolproof Ways To Meet Women During 4th Of July Fireworks

Published: Wed, 07/03/19


WHAT'S INSIDE:  Here's everything you need to meet more
women tomorrow night at the fireworks display than ANY guy
you know.



I spent the first 34 years of my life trying to unravel the mystery
of women and relationships.

It took the walls crashing in to make me finally DO something.

Seven years with the WRONG woman, and the inevitable pain
and wrath that rained down as a result.

Feeling alone and defeated, I didn't want to be a victim.

Something HAD to change...forevermore. 

But if I kept doing what I had always done, I'd keep getting
what I had always gotten.

I made a stand.  I bit the bullet and took full advantage of
someone else's knowledge and experience.

Years later, after dating a mind-blowing number of fantastic
women and ultimately enjoying a happy, healthy relationship
with the woman of my dreams for over a decade now...

...I can only wonder what took me so long.

Well, the short answer is there was nobody teaching this stuff
back when I could really have used it.

I often joke, "Where was I when I needed myself?"

But these days you don't have to endure the same pain over
and over again like I did.

No more "trial and error".

No more frustration of attracting the same WRONG women
every time...if any at all.

No droughts or "losing streaks".

And for sure, no toxic marriages.

Don't kid yourself:  Show me a man who is bitter toward
women and has sworn them off, and I'll show you a man
who made a series of mission-critical mistakes with them
over and over again...

...before finally giving up.

I wish I could shout it from the mountain top (and considering
what's behind that link, I suppose I already do):

It doesn't have to be that way.

Men who put me to work for them often ask themselves the
same question that sounds so familiar to me:  "What took me
so long to do this?"

Life is too short for regrets.

And there are FAR too many wonderful women out there
waiting for a man like you to sweep them off their feet:

No Regrets. Only Results.

Most men go their entire lives without asking for directions...

But it's the men who actively make an effort to achieve
greatness who approach it.

Having realized the fullness of that truth personally, I've made
it my purpose to propel good, decent men all over the world
to greatness with women and relationships for over 13 years

In fact, I probably have an even greater vision for what's
possible for you right now than even YOU do:

Get The Success With Women You Already Know You Deserve

25 minutes on the phone is free.  Do what I did...get results
and NEVER look back.



The 4th of July falls on a Thursday this year, and I'm sure a bunch of
here in the good ol' U.S. of A. will have the day off.

Some of you may even be making a long weekend of it.  (And if so,

With that in mind, I've dreamed up four completely cool ways for you
to maximize your chances at meeting all of those suntanned,
sundress-clad summertime sweethearts who are going to be all over
the place this weekend and wherever you plan to check out the
fireworks tomorrow night.

And check it out...every one of the strategies I'm about to let you
in on are all pretty much brain-dead simple, just for good measure.

1)  Rally The Troops

Forget about watching some fireworks display ten miles away from
your back porch.

Gather yourself AND all of your friends (male and female) who were
probably going to be sitting on their own respective porches also
and proactively invite them to join you on-site where the fireworks

This is such a simple way to get yourself OUT of the house and INTO
a situation where you'll have plenty of women around, but it's an
effective one nonetheless.

Even if your social circle is mostly made up of other guys, the
social proof you'll get among women by being with your friends
can only help you.

2)  Lay It All Out...And Do So Early

From what I've seen, most of the time the parking lots for
fireworks events are simply open, grassy fields pressed into
service to accommodate the 4th of July crowd.

Take advantage of this by getting there early, selecting your
parking spot wisely (i.e. close to where the best action is) and
laying out the most massive quilt or blanket that any of your
friends can get his or her hands on.  

If you want to overlap a couple of them, feel free.

THEN...whenever you meet someone who's, um..."interesting" to
you, it'll be easy to invite them to skip sitting on the hood of their
2008 Toyota Corolla and join you and all the "cool people" instead.
Since you've got your camp all set up where the best seats in the
house are, you can't go wrong. 

3)  Tailgate

What's that you say?  YOU'RE actually the one who's the proud pilot
of a 2008 Toyota Corolla?

No worries.  Call up your buddy with a pickup truck (or a decent
sized SUV) and do 4th of July fireworks just like you would a
college football game.  

Bring the Hibachi and makes sure whatever you plan on grilling
smells great.  

If you're extra smart, you'll pool a few bucks with your buddies
and get some cheap hotdogs and ready-made burgers that you'll be
ready to "donate" to particularly interesting women who might
wander close to your set-up.  

It could go worse that that on a fine summer evening.

4)  Be Cooler

This one could be the game changer, even if put into practice by
itself independent of the other three ideas above.

Find a medium-sized cooler and stockpile it with cold sodas and
bottled water.

If you make sure they're cold ahead of time, you won't even need to
waste space with much ice.  After all, the whole fireworks event
won't last more than two hours--and that includes "prelim" time.

You can get the El Cheapo brand of drinks if you want, but make sure
you get some different varieties, including diet versions.

Then, get another buddy and go "on patrol" about 30 or 40 minutes
before the fireworks actually start.  Each of you grab a handle on
the cooler and get moving.  

Whenever you see women who could be potentially interesting, tell
them you're in charge of making sure they've got a cold drink.   

Can you see how all four of these strategies work together

You've gotten to the venue early with the right setup, and you've
literally "set the stage" (i.e. a blanket) so that YOUR place is
THE place to be.

Then, instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen you
actively move around,even as others instinctively stay put wherever
they planted themselves and their cars.

Put the whole plan together--even as uncomplicated as it is--and
you'll be guaranteed to have a better chance at meeting all of the
hotties than anyone else.

And if you decide that one or a few of them are worth hanging out
with after the fireworks are done, invite them out for ice cream or
whatever afterwards.   

Who knows?  Maybe the true "fireworks" are yet to come...

Let all the other dudes go home and watch reruns of "Scrubs"
instead, right?

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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