What Excel users could learn from MasterChef - Guest Post for Rob Collie

Published: Thu, 08/22/13

The Excel Expert
Learn to love Excel - one cell at a time. Tutorials for beginners, tips for experienced users

What Excel users could learn from Masterchef or why preparation is so important. 

Today, I'm really thrilled to share my guest post on Rob Collie's wonderful Powerpivot blog (www.powerpivotpro.com). 

It's about the importance of data preparation but since Rob also loves movies, I've thrown in a few cinematic references as well. 

Check out his other posts too - interesting, beautifully written and full of his passion for helping people like us - you know the people who work with Excel regularly - he calls us the pros...(and if you are signed up to this newsletter you are interested in Excel and probably a pro). Here's his positively poetic post on the subject. 

I'm also working through the Powerpivot course that Chandoo and he have put together and absolutely loving it. 
