Travel the world and work online (link works)

Published: Sat, 07/16/22

It's always been something I dreamed of doing. You too?

The problem was that it's really hard to achieve this.

I personally love working online and traveling. But it's been a very difficult goal. 
I had to work a job for many years and work my business part time when I got home.
I usually was worn out and wanted to just watch a show on tv and fall asleep.
But instead I made sure to do what I could to work on my business.

Even if it was only ten minutes, I tried to do at least something consistently.

The thing was that because I eventually made a habit of this, the habit opened a "door" for me.
Sometimes I had more energy and instead of just giving ten minutes, I gave half an hour or an hour 
or even longer.
Sometimes my interest in what I was doing kept me up all hours of the night.
My dream to travel the world and work online burned like a fire inside of me and pushed
me to do all kinds of things I normally wouldn't of done! 

Maybe you can relate to this? I'm sure (whether or not you've had a passion to create something with a 
business or not) you've wanted something so bad it drove you to action. That's the kind of drive you 
have to have if you want to succeed. 

One last thought on what it takes to succeed:

Everyone seems to think if you just find the right business, then  everything will just fall in place.
I've never had this happen. I went through over forty different businesses over five years
and spent over $10,000 but never found the "perfect" business that just "pushed me into success.

I even tried four travel businesses but even though each one was great in its own way,
they never could teach me the "secrets to success" either. 

What I did find was that if you want to succeed at traveling the world and working online,
there are real skills you have to learn to do it. And if you want to sell travel, you need to either pay
for traffic on Google or Facebook or use SEO (search engine optimization).

My business partner Elizabeta and I have labeled these skills the "5 Critical Skills". If you have the 
desire to work online and travel all over the world too, then I will personally help you learn these five skills.

And as mentioned above, our team helps you learn effective advertising using SEO!
Just by joining our team for free will open the doors to a whole community of like minded people
and team members that will hold your hand and help you achieve your dreams! 

Find out more about SEO, & our newest program: Wealthy Affiliate (WA) here. 

We will help you build the skills you need to achieve your dreams! 

Want to talk? Check out the website above and then email me. 

When you're ready, just simply reply back with the subject line in your email: “Tell me more about WA” and I will get back too you right away.

Talk soon! 



(626) 379-5692
[email protected]








22 w Green St apt 211
Pasadena California 91105

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